"/save" command does not work?

Hey guys, usually when i need to get some cordinates for cars and all that i type cmnd /save and then go look in the file at my directory, but now it doesnot work. anyone know why? or maybe i'm doing something wrong?

Messages In This Thread
"/save" command does not work? - by [Comrade] - 27.11.2010, 02:21
Re: "/save" command does not work? - by Ruffles. - 27.11.2010, 02:30
Re: "/save" command does not work? - by [Comrade] - 27.11.2010, 02:31
Re: "/save" command does not work? - by Retardedwolf - 27.11.2010, 02:38
Re: "/save" command does not work? - by Cameltoe - 27.11.2010, 03:14
Re: "/save" command does not work? - by BLAbla93 - 27.11.2010, 06:25
Re: "/save" command does not work? - by Jochemd - 27.11.2010, 08:42

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