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"/save" command does not work? - Printable Version

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"/save" command does not work? - [Comrade] - 27.11.2010

Hey guys, usually when i need to get some cordinates for cars and all that i type cmnd /save and then go look in the file at my directory, but now it doesnot work. anyone know why? or maybe i'm doing something wrong?

Re: "/save" command does not work? - Ruffles. - 27.11.2010

Are you looking at 'savedpositions.txt'?
Try saving something like /save [Name]

Re: "/save" command does not work? - [Comrade] - 27.11.2010

tried both

Re: "/save" command does not work? - Retardedwolf - 27.11.2010


Re: "/save" command does not work? - Cameltoe - 27.11.2010

Try looking into:
E:\Users\(User)\Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP

Re: "/save" command does not work? - BLAbla93 - 27.11.2010

If your running windows vista or 7 you need to run the samp.exe and gta_sa.exe as administrator for the command to work. Don't ask why. Yes that worked for me.

Re: "/save" command does not work? - Jochemd - 27.11.2010

You do not have to run it as Administrator. If you do not, it should just create a file in the compitability files. A better solution is to run both under Windows XP, which works for me.