OnPlayerDeath problem

Thanks, that fixed one of the problems, and I fixed the rest. But when I lit myself on fire, the death icon wasn't changed, how can I get different reasons for certain deaths? Like if I was standing in the fire and died, it would show the player on fire death icon and say
pawn Код:
%s (%d) Died In A Fire.
instead of
pawn Код:
%s (%d) Died.
Same with deaths like getting run over or knifed by someone, the messages would say
pawn Код:
%s (%d) Died. Killed By: %s (%d). (Run Over)

pawn Код:
%s (%d) Died. Killed By: %s (%d). (Knifed)

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerDeath problem - by grand.Theft.Otto - 21.11.2010, 03:31
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem - by randomkid88 - 21.11.2010, 04:09
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem - by grand.Theft.Otto - 21.11.2010, 04:15
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem - by randomkid88 - 21.11.2010, 05:02
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem - by Grim_ - 21.11.2010, 05:21
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem - by grand.Theft.Otto - 21.11.2010, 05:23

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