OnPlayerDeath problem -
grand.Theft.Otto - 21.11.2010
So far i have:
new string[128];
new NamePlayerID[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new NameKillerID[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
format(string,sizeof(string),"*%s (%d) Died. Killed By: %s (%d).",NamePlayerID,playerid,NameKillerID,killerid);
This works perfectly for when I want it to show who died and who killed, but what I need is a separate message when someone dies without being killed by a person (lets say: died in a fire, or fell off a mountain, or just plain died, etc...) i want it to say:
WITHOUT a killer name and id (for when a person falls and died or dies from a fire)
or have a reason displayed beside it like so:
%s (%d) Died. Killed BY: %s (%d). (REASON HERE {Knife, MP5, Chainsaw, etc})
(Replace REASON HERE with %s)
Where the other %s and %d would be the player names and id.
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem -
randomkid88 - 21.11.2010
From the wiki:
I believe this should work. Just add a conditional to check if the reason is not a weapon. For example:
pawn Код:
if(reason >= 47) //Checks to see if they died from vehicle, helicopter blades, explosion, drowned, or fell
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s (%d) Died." NamePlayerID, playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xAA3333AA, string);
//code you have
Try it out and let me know.
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem -
grand.Theft.Otto - 21.11.2010
I get this error
C:\Documents and Settings\Saif Muslim\Desktop\SA-MP 0.3b Server\gamemodes\lvtc3.pwn(849) : error 001: expected token: "-string end-", but found "-identifier-"
C:\Documents and Settings\Saif Muslim\Desktop\SA-MP 0.3b Server\gamemodes\lvtc3.pwn(849) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Documents and Settings\Saif Muslim\Desktop\SA-MP 0.3b Server\gamemodes\lvtc3.pwn(849) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Documents and Settings\Saif Muslim\Desktop\SA-MP 0.3b Server\gamemodes\lvtc3.pwn(849) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Documents and Settings\Saif Muslim\Desktop\SA-MP 0.3b Server\gamemodes\lvtc3.pwn(849) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\Saif Muslim\Desktop\SA-MP 0.3b Server\gamemodes\lvtc3.pwn(849) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
4 Errors.
This is what I have all together:
pawn Код:
new string[128];
new NamePlayerID[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new NameKillerID[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
format(string,sizeof(string),"*%s (%d) Died. Killed By: %s (%d).",NamePlayerID,playerid,NameKillerID,killerid);
if(reason >= 47) //Checks to see if they died from vehicle, helicopter blades, explosion, drowned, or fell
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s (%d) Died." NamePlayerID, playerid); //LINE 849
SendClientMessageToAll(0xAA3333AA, string);
//code you have
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem -
randomkid88 - 21.11.2010
Oops, typo. Put a comma between Died." and NamePlayerID on that line, like this:
pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s (%d) Died.", NamePlayerID, playerid);
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem -
Grim_ - 21.11.2010
You will need this array of the weapon names:
pawn Код:
new aWeaponNames[][32] = {
{"Unarmed (Fist)"}, // 0
{"Brass Knuckles"}, // 1
{"Golf Club"}, // 2
{"Night Stick"}, // 3
{"Knife"}, // 4
{"Baseball Bat"}, // 5
{"Shovel"}, // 6
{"Pool Cue"}, // 7
{"Katana"}, // 8
{"Chainsaw"}, // 9
{"Purple Dildo"}, // 10
{"Big White Vibrator"}, // 11
{"Medium White Vibrator"}, // 12
{"Small White Vibrator"}, // 13
{"Flowers"}, // 14
{"Cane"}, // 15
{"Grenade"}, // 16
{"Teargas"}, // 17
{"Molotov"}, // 18
{"Empty Slot 1"}, // 19
{"Empty Slot 2"}, // 20
{"Empty Slot 3"}, // 21
{"Colt 45"}, // 22
{"Colt 45 (Silenced)"}, // 23
{"Desert Eagle"}, // 24
{"Normal Shotgun"}, // 25
{"Sawnoff Shotgun"}, // 26
{"Combat Shotgun"}, // 27
{"Micro Uzi (Mac 10)"}, // 28
{"MP5"}, // 29
{"AK47"}, // 30
{"M4"}, // 31
{"Tec9"}, // 32
{"Country Rifle"}, // 33
{"Sniper Rifle"}, // 34
{"Rocket Launcher"}, // 35
{"Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher"}, // 36
{"Flamethrower"}, // 37
{"Minigun"}, // 38
{"Satchel Charge"}, // 39
{"Detonator"}, // 40
{"Spray Can"}, // 41
{"Fire Extinguisher"}, // 42
{"Camera"}, // 43
{"Night Vision Goggles"}, // 44
{"Infrared Vision Goggles"}, // 45
{"Parachute"}, // 46
{"Fake Pistol"} // 47
Then you can use it under OnPlayerDeath like so:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
if( killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
new string[ 50 ], name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
GetPlayerName( playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
format( string, 50, "%s (%d) died. (%s)", name, playerid, aWeaponNames[ reason ] );
SendClientMessageToAll( color, string );
return 1;
Re: OnPlayerDeath problem -
grand.Theft.Otto - 21.11.2010
Thanks, that fixed one of the problems, and I fixed the rest. But when I lit myself on fire, the death icon wasn't changed, how can I get different reasons for certain deaths? Like if I was standing in the fire and died, it would show the player on fire death icon and say
instead of
Same with deaths like getting run over or knifed by someone, the messages would say
pawn Код:
%s (%d) Died. Killed By: %s (%d). (Run Over)
pawn Код:
%s (%d) Died. Killed By: %s (%d). (Knifed)