Post your result!

Originally Posted by Tails
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That's not exactly epic. It can be much better.
My Internet is 150Mbps (so the ISP claims, although Windows says it's 100mbps - I've got a lot of speedtests done but they're old - I can't do one because my Opera 11 alpha build is crashing when I go to now :/)
It's not Windows that limit's the speed; It's the network adapter. The router can limit it too, but Windows shows you the network adapter's speed.

That's mine. I'm actually paying for 10mbps (or was it 12?), but speedtest is lying to me as usually. Also, this gives me a maximum of 1.337 (Not kidding!) mb/s download speed, which I'm happy with. The next step up would be 100mbps OR 120 mbps (from another ISP), with 100mbps costing about 9 euros per month as of February (free for January), and 120 mbps costing around 26 EUR per month. Now, neither is available in my house, 120 mbps isn't even available in my town AFAIK, and my router (wireless router... It's a laptop y'know) limits the speed to 54 mbps. Therefore, that 10mbps is the best I can get without moving to an apartment.

Messages In This Thread
Post your result! - by Serediucr - 19.11.2010, 13:55
AW: what speed of internet do you have? - by Saitecx - 19.11.2010, 14:25
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Danny - 19.11.2010, 14:34
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Grim_ - 19.11.2010, 18:26
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by TheGuardianAngel - 19.11.2010, 18:33
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by JaTochNietDan - 19.11.2010, 18:34
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Danny - 19.11.2010, 18:48
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by WillyP - 19.11.2010, 20:20
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Toni - 19.11.2010, 20:25
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by blackwave - 19.11.2010, 20:34
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Grim_ - 19.11.2010, 21:11
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by CJ101 - 19.11.2010, 21:15
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by woot - 19.11.2010, 21:34
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Kitten - 19.11.2010, 21:42
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by [L3th4l] - 19.11.2010, 22:12
Respuesta: what speed of internet do you have? - by fox3r - 19.11.2010, 22:22
Respuesta: what speed of internet do you have? - by MrDeath537 - 19.11.2010, 22:37
Respuesta: what speed of internet do you have? - by xenowort - 19.11.2010, 22:50
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Snipa - 20.11.2010, 02:07
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 20.11.2010, 02:43
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Steven82 - 20.11.2010, 03:14
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by oOChazyBoyOo - 20.11.2010, 03:18
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by SampStunta - 20.11.2010, 04:48
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Dr.Ghost - 20.11.2010, 05:01
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Serediucr - 20.11.2010, 05:03
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by Basicz - 20.11.2010, 06:35
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by jamesbond007 - 20.11.2010, 06:39
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by sooky - 20.11.2010, 08:22
Re: what speed of internet do you have? - by dowster - 21.07.2011, 02:29
Re: Post your result! - by Luis- - 11.08.2016, 16:38
Re: Post your result! - by Luicy. - 11.08.2016, 16:44

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