switch failure? or am i stupid?

pawn Код:
forward switcher(playerid);
public switcher(playerid)
    switch (Mode[playerid])
        case 1:
                Mode[playerid] = 2;
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "MODE 1 MAC10");
                GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 32,500);
                print("MODE SWITCHED to 1");
        case 2:
                Mode[playerid] = 1;
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "MODE 1 SNIPER?");
                GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 36,500);
                print("MODE SWITCHED to 2");
        default: Mode[playerid] = 1;
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
switch failure? or am i stupid? - by -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010, 04:17
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by Crayon - 04.11.2010, 04:19
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010, 04:20
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by Crayon - 04.11.2010, 04:21
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010, 04:24
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by Miguel - 04.11.2010, 04:25
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010, 04:31
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by Crayon - 04.11.2010, 04:35
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010, 04:43
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by Crayon - 04.11.2010, 04:47
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010, 04:58
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010, 05:07
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by pen_theGun - 04.11.2010, 08:03
Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - by -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010, 17:52

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