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switch failure? or am i stupid? - Printable Version

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switch failure? or am i stupid? - -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010

forward switcher(playerid);
public switcher(playerid)
	a = 2;
switch (a)
	case 1:
	Mode[playerid] = 1;
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "MODE 1 MAC10");
	GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 32,500);
	print("MODE SWITCHED to 1");
	case 2:
	Mode[playerid] = 2;
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "MODE 1 SNIPER?");
	GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 36,500);
	print("MODE SWITCHED to 2");
i want this switch to move back and forth, from 1 to 2, and so far it goes to two. and keeps reseting to number 2, i havnt scripted in a logn time, so... idea? broken? or am i an idiot?

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - Crayon - 04.11.2010

possibly need return 1;

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010

Tryed that, didnt work.

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - Crayon - 04.11.2010

I wouldn't know then, sorry man. I'm quite new to scripting still. Sorry!

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010

hey no problem, atleast you tryed. :P

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - Miguel - 04.11.2010

What are you trying to do?

Your code will always do this:
pawn Код:
Mode[playerid] = 2;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "MODE 1 SNIPER?");
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 36,500);
print("MODE SWITCHED to 2");
Because "a" is always 2.

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010

im trying to switch them back and forth on a timer.

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - Crayon - 04.11.2010

I guess you need to label them "a" and 1 and 2.

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010

still not following

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - Crayon - 04.11.2010

I'm not sure how to do this, but what Miguel is trying to say, it is only choosing 2 because you placed (a = 2). If you replaced that 2 with a 1, it will only repeat mode 1. So if you try getting a to be both 1 and 2 or some crap, it'll do both.

I dont know if this is right, maybe I'm just blabbering

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010

Crayon, i think your a genious, holdon a second.

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010

Well, still cant get them to switch, but i got case 1 definded as a = 1. and case 2 as b = 2

how can i get these to rotate?

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - pen_theGun - 04.11.2010

pawn Код:
forward switcher(playerid);
public switcher(playerid)
    switch (Mode[playerid])
        case 1:
                Mode[playerid] = 2;
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "MODE 1 MAC10");
                GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 32,500);
                print("MODE SWITCHED to 1");
        case 2:
                Mode[playerid] = 1;
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "MODE 1 SNIPER?");
                GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 36,500);
                print("MODE SWITCHED to 2");
        default: Mode[playerid] = 1;
    return 1;

Re: switch failure? or am i stupid? - -Rebel Son- - 04.11.2010

You sir, i love you. i apriciate i <3