Help new server

I had same problem....You have to allow the Port(w/e it is eg. 7777)through windows firewall,And you have wireless like me,Meaning we dont have "Static" IP's meaning thay allways have the same IP,We have "Dynamic" IP's meaning ours changes everytime we dissconnect,Now use to get software to direct your dynamic ip to a host name (eg. your-server:7777) and players just add that everytime thay want to find your server and the software will direct them....I suggest you goto and just buy a 24/7 cheap server wit IP and control panel...

Messages In This Thread
Help new server - by Marty_Alex - 29.10.2010, 05:45
Re: Help new server - by SampStunta - 29.10.2010, 08:10
Re: Help new server - by Las Venturas CNR - 29.10.2010, 19:45
Re: Help new server - by Marty_Alex - 29.10.2010, 22:04
Re: Help new server - by Robert_Crawford - 30.10.2010, 04:11
Re: Help new server - by <Weponz> - 30.10.2010, 06:10
[No subject] - by Marty_Alex - 30.10.2010, 21:41
Re: Help new server - by hadzx - 31.10.2010, 12:01
Re: Help new server - by Marty_Alex - 31.10.2010, 15:57

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