15.09.2010, 03:28
70 players just waiting for your script? to be honest, (i quite possibly can be wrong) i don't think 70 people are waiting on YOU to have a script for them to play.
So that's when I found a scripter, who dropped the project due to personal reasons, so I came onto here, and posted that I'm looking for a scripter, got a reply, and we started on the script. 1 month goes by, not much had progressed so I posted another ad, got another reply, and we worked on it for around 2 weeks intill he ditched out. I was really pissed off to be honest, I mean, its been months and I'm still at zero. I started the whole server idea back up at the start of the summer holidays... 3 months on and still nothing. If I had spent that time learning how to script, I probably would have ditched out something half-ass by now.