What Am I Doing Wrong?

Originally Posted by Hal
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70 players just waiting for your script? to be honest, (i quite possibly can be wrong) i don't think 70 people are waiting on YOU to have a script for them to play.
Yup, believe it or not. 70 people are not "waiting" on stand-by, they are most probably playing on other SA-MP servers, or left playing. You see, I used to run a site for a RP server a few years ago (end of 07) which had a steady 50-60 players on at all times. It was growing slowly and slowly until the main owner turned into a super-jerk (lets not get into specifics) and most of the admins left, took a few people with them, either started their own servers or joined other servers. I shut the website down not so long after, but I did save it. It had a good 800+ users registered, and I went on there and took around 40 emails down and added them to MSN, mostly ex-admins or players that knew alot of other players. I started getting in touch with them and within a week, I got at least 70 nod's that they'd happily give it a try, if I'm running it.

So that's when I found a scripter, who dropped the project due to personal reasons, so I came onto here, and posted that I'm looking for a scripter, got a reply, and we started on the script. 1 month goes by, not much had progressed so I posted another ad, got another reply, and we worked on it for around 2 weeks intill he ditched out. I was really pissed off to be honest, I mean, its been months and I'm still at zero. I started the whole server idea back up at the start of the summer holidays... 3 months on and still nothing. If I had spent that time learning how to script, I probably would have ditched out something half-ass by now.


Messages In This Thread
What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 13.09.2010, 21:47
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Venturas - 14.09.2010, 03:09
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 14.09.2010, 03:39
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by CuervO - 14.09.2010, 03:47
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 14.09.2010, 04:02
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by SampStunta - 14.09.2010, 14:05
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 14.09.2010, 19:19
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Hal - 15.09.2010, 02:49
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 15.09.2010, 03:28
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Relixious - 15.09.2010, 06:37

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