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What Am I Doing Wrong? - Marvin81 - 13.09.2010

[Please Move Into Correction Section If Wrong.]

I've just had another encounter, with another scripter, who decided to disappear because I would not agree with his ideas. Just recently, I picked up a very good scripter, who knew his stuff. I've never seen some of the things his done before in other servers so I knew he was very good. I offered him a price, he accepted and we went back and forth for a week with ideas and scripting. But then I noticed it was getting a little personal, that he would say "No, that’s not a good idea, I don't want that." and its weird, because I'm paying him for it.

I mean, I have a small community ready to play, they where the ones that hyped me up to start a server again, so I got a good 70 people together on MSN/Ventrilo before I went ahead to look for a scripter. I had them all in one place and took opinions and criticism from all of them one by one. After a few days, we finally agreed on a base of the server, for which everyone was happy with. With more ideas pouring in that would finally build the server to be complete.

Yet, for the past 3 months it has been the 3rd scripter that has ditched out for the reason, and that was, he did not agree with some of the ideas. Simple stuff like, the ways menu's should be displayed or NPC strippers at the pig pen... The last scripter said it’s not RP and no one will want to play in the server that has bots.

Is what any of the scripters have done to date, fair? Literally ditching out, because they took the script way to personal? Yes, they may be scripting it, but I hired a paid scripter. I thought the last scripter I found was really good this time, because he had very good ideas and scripting knowledge that I’ve never seen before. I told the clan for the last time that I've found someone that will do it, and now I have to disappoint them again because I couldn't settle with the scripter, on the most simplest of things.

I've completely given up on the whole server. I now have to tell all of them, its not going to happen... Again. I had saved a good $150 for all the costs, and was really serious about it, but I've lost all hope.

Have you had encounters like this with scripters you've "hired" in the past? If not, then seriously... What am I doing wrong?


Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - Venturas - 14.09.2010

You're not paying them enough. You're treating them bad. You're acting like a noob in a roleplay manner. Your asking too much for the price.

Just my ideas.

Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - Marvin81 - 14.09.2010

Originally Posted by Venturas
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You're not paying them enough. You're treating them bad. You're acting like a noob in a roleplay manner. Your asking too much for the price.

Just my ideas.
- Nope, they set the price, and knew what I was asking.
- Nope never, mostly just disagree in the "kindest" way I can.
- I kinda didn't understand the 3rd point.
- And no, mostly stuff that could be copy and pastable.

It's not so much what I ask, its them literally telling me "they" don't want it. I mean, we were in the middle of scripting, and when I said, I didn't like the idea, he would say he wouldn't want to help me anymore, because I don't like "his" views on how the server should be. I even try to agree to most ideas, just so long as what I want is done. What I don't understand is, when I did point out after so many days that what I originally set out for is completely faded and that I was paying him and in the kindest way tell him he should just script what was originally requested instead, sissy fits are thrown.

I mean, would you honestly, but honestly say you’re going to stop scripting a server, after a week of working on it, because of what the person wants the intro text to be for registration? HONESTLY?! I try to be as kind, and as "OK, sure, we'll try it someday perhaps to see the reaction." or "Sure, if thats what you like." I mean, is this what someone should be saying for what THEY are paying for?

I guess its just my bad luck. I still have the $150 reserved for the server, I'll probbally pick up on it another time if someone willing to just do what they were hired for, comes along. This is the last time I'm going to have to turn down the community.


Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - CuervO - 14.09.2010

Ooor you just picked an asshole as scripter. (Not offending anyone), Also you could be more "good" than needed, try punishing him and start telling him to do what you want as you're paying him, not viceversa. If he leaves, his fault.

However, i would do the same. If there is something that could put the server in a bad position like useless scripts and so on, i wouldn't do it unless the whole community agreed. However thats just me.

Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - Marvin81 - 14.09.2010

Originally Posted by CuervO
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Ooor you just picked an asshole as scripter. (Not offending anyone), Also you could be more "good" than needed, try punishing him and start telling him to do what you want as you're paying him, not viceversa. If he leaves, his fault.

However, i would do the same. If there is something that could put the server in a bad position like useless scripts and so on, i wouldn't do it unless the whole community agreed. However thats just me.
His not an asshole at all tbh. He was a very talented scripter, and I'm not going to lie, I have never seen anything like what his done, in any server before. Completely original. He even offered to use a from scratch base script he wrote out, which was all good and dandy intill it started getting personal. Every time, on the most simplest of things, we would sit for ever going back and forth on how it should be. (and I really mean, simple things..) I would just give up in the end and give in, just because I didn't want to loose him as he was very good.

I would even tell him, the community are coming up with the ideas and are all agreeing amongst themselves and I would O.K the ideas and pass it onto the him, the scripter, and he would refuse things like NPC strippers at the Pig Pen, and that its not RP to have bots and everyone would leave the server because of it... I mean... WTF?

Oh, and he left this afternoon, randomly after I told him I would just like for him to script it the original way, and then maybe we can start adding in his ideas and he said no, and left. It's a shame becuase I wished he stayed, he was very good at what he did.


Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - SampStunta - 14.09.2010

I'll script for you :P

Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - Marvin81 - 14.09.2010

Originally Posted by SampStunta
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I'll script for you :P
PM me and we may be able to work something out

Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - Hal - 15.09.2010

70 players just waiting for your script? to be honest, (i quite possibly can be wrong) i dont think 70 people are waiting on YOU to have a script for them to play.

Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - Marvin81 - 15.09.2010

Originally Posted by Hal
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70 players just waiting for your script? to be honest, (i quite possibly can be wrong) i don't think 70 people are waiting on YOU to have a script for them to play.
Yup, believe it or not. 70 people are not "waiting" on stand-by, they are most probably playing on other SA-MP servers, or left playing. You see, I used to run a site for a RP server a few years ago (end of 07) which had a steady 50-60 players on at all times. It was growing slowly and slowly until the main owner turned into a super-jerk (lets not get into specifics) and most of the admins left, took a few people with them, either started their own servers or joined other servers. I shut the website down not so long after, but I did save it. It had a good 800+ users registered, and I went on there and took around 40 emails down and added them to MSN, mostly ex-admins or players that knew alot of other players. I started getting in touch with them and within a week, I got at least 70 nod's that they'd happily give it a try, if I'm running it.

So that's when I found a scripter, who dropped the project due to personal reasons, so I came onto here, and posted that I'm looking for a scripter, got a reply, and we started on the script. 1 month goes by, not much had progressed so I posted another ad, got another reply, and we worked on it for around 2 weeks intill he ditched out. I was really pissed off to be honest, I mean, its been months and I'm still at zero. I started the whole server idea back up at the start of the summer holidays... 3 months on and still nothing. If I had spent that time learning how to script, I probably would have ditched out something half-ass by now.


Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - Relixious - 15.09.2010

You're running a 70-player server and you can't script? shame yourself!