What Am I Doing Wrong?

Originally Posted by CuervO
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Ooor you just picked an asshole as scripter. (Not offending anyone), Also you could be more "good" than needed, try punishing him and start telling him to do what you want as you're paying him, not viceversa. If he leaves, his fault.

However, i would do the same. If there is something that could put the server in a bad position like useless scripts and so on, i wouldn't do it unless the whole community agreed. However thats just me.
His not an asshole at all tbh. He was a very talented scripter, and I'm not going to lie, I have never seen anything like what his done, in any server before. Completely original. He even offered to use a from scratch base script he wrote out, which was all good and dandy intill it started getting personal. Every time, on the most simplest of things, we would sit for ever going back and forth on how it should be. (and I really mean, simple things..) I would just give up in the end and give in, just because I didn't want to loose him as he was very good.

I would even tell him, the community are coming up with the ideas and are all agreeing amongst themselves and I would O.K the ideas and pass it onto the him, the scripter, and he would refuse things like NPC strippers at the Pig Pen, and that its not RP to have bots and everyone would leave the server because of it... I mean... WTF?

Oh, and he left this afternoon, randomly after I told him I would just like for him to script it the original way, and then maybe we can start adding in his ideas and he said no, and left. It's a shame becuase I wished he stayed, he was very good at what he did.


Messages In This Thread
What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 13.09.2010, 21:47
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Venturas - 14.09.2010, 03:09
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 14.09.2010, 03:39
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by CuervO - 14.09.2010, 03:47
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 14.09.2010, 04:02
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by SampStunta - 14.09.2010, 14:05
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 14.09.2010, 19:19
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Hal - 15.09.2010, 02:49
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Marvin81 - 15.09.2010, 03:28
Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? - by Relixious - 15.09.2010, 06:37

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