15.07.2010, 13:02
You check the team counts in the middle of the loop which is counting them, do the stuff AFTER the loop and it'll work fine:
pawn Код:
public RoundCheck()
Civilian = 0;
Army = 0;
Zombie = 0;
for(new playerid; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && gPlayerLogged[playerid])
case 0: Civilian++;
case 1: Zombie++;
case 2: Army++;
if(Zombie >= 2) // if there are more than 1 zombie...
if(Civilian <= 0 && Army <= 0) // ...and no civilians/soldiers
GameTextForAll("~w~Round has Ended", 3000, 3);
SetTimer("ZombieWin", 2000, 0);
else if(Zombie <= 0) // else if there are no zombies...
if(Civilian >= 2) // ...and more than 1 civilian
new zombie = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
while(!IsPlayerConnected(zombie)) // This will be fucked up due to PAWN's retarded random()-function, sometimes this loop might take ages until it ends cuz of random() returning the same IDs again and again.
zombie = random(MAX_PLAYERS);
gTeam[zombie] = 1;
Infected[zombie] = 1;
SendClientMessage(zombie, COLOR_RED, "Server has picked you to be Zombie");
return 1;