[GameMode] [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed)

Originally Posted by »»[DG
тσкyσDяιFт[SU]™«« ]
Also for Yeatric -> making stunts together with me Cheesy (but his stunts have been removed now)
You have added his stunts again
He did not add yeartics stunts. He removed all the menu's that said "This Stunt has Been Deleted". Fixed it up so theres no blank teleports here.

Originally Posted by |-Ricky-|
The stunts are not deleted, Fallout put // before the objects and vehicles.
So they are diabled.And he added:
SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, " This stunt has been deleted!");
The objects are not in the original Stunt Universe files. They were completely removed.

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