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[GameMode] [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - Printable Version

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[GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - Oxside - 16.11.2009

[size=20pt]SU: Removed all command with: This Stunt has been Deleted[/size]

Heej all
It a long time ago that i released something so here i am.
I downloaded the orginal version from the SAMP forum (Fallout) and i removed all the death commands.
Because Yeartic stunts aren't released.

- Removed following commands:
- Removed the menu (/teleports)
- Removed all removed stunts from /stuntzones and /dmzones


Fallout for making SU

Re: [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - hantuafiq2 - 21.11.2009

can u upload .amx in paste bin please..coz i can't compile it.error : C:\Documents and Settings\Afiq\Desktop\Server\pawno\include\F_AntiC : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Dini"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.


Re: [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - kurta999 - 21.11.2009

Download This:

Re: [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - [03]Garsino - 21.11.2009

Did you get persmission to edit this gamemode? Then release it?

Re: [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - zhuzhyzhe1 - 22.11.2009

G:\GTA全工程\SAMP\thhj.pwn(12) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "CPLoader"

Re: [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - AlbanianGuy - 31.12.2009

pls can u upload the .amx file and the and the , pls

Re: [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - [WSM]Deadly_Evil - 31.12.2009

You Got Permission to Upload this
You can download the .PWN and .AMX from:
Original Stunt Universe v.0.5

and Here you go and

Re: [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - [Mr]Fred - 24.04.2010

The stunts are not deleted, Fallout put // before the objects and vehicles.
So they are diabled.And he added:
SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, " This stunt has been deleted!");

Re: [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - Stunt-Andreas - 24.04.2010

Also for Yeatric -> making stunts together with me Cheesy (but his stunts have been removed now)
You have added his stunts again

Re: [GM] Stunt Universe (Removed Stunts command removed) - BP13 - 18.05.2010

Originally Posted by »»[DG
тσкyσDяιFт[SU]™«« ]
Also for Yeatric -> making stunts together with me Cheesy (but his stunts have been removed now)
You have added his stunts again
He did not add yeartics stunts. He removed all the menu's that said "This Stunt has Been Deleted". Fixed it up so theres no blank teleports here.

Originally Posted by |-Ricky-|
The stunts are not deleted, Fallout put // before the objects and vehicles.
So they are diabled.And he added:
SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, " This stunt has been deleted!");
The objects are not in the original Stunt Universe files. They were completely removed.