umm... i have a question

i use what i call sub-script for large script
pawn Код:
#include "filename.ext" // include a file from the same directory as the script, can be "/folder/filename.ext"
#include <filename.ext> // include from the pawno/include/ folder, can be </folder/filename.ext>
using that I "include" some large data, and i usually put all the "sub-script" in a folder in same place as the script

Messages In This Thread
umm... i have a question - by BLAbla93 - 23.04.2010, 01:49
Re: umm... i have a question - by Calgon - 23.04.2010, 02:00
Re: umm... i have a question - by BLAbla93 - 23.04.2010, 02:05
Re: umm... i have a question - by Calgon - 23.04.2010, 02:06
Re: umm... i have a question - by Toni - 23.04.2010, 02:07
Re: umm... i have a question - by BLAbla93 - 23.04.2010, 02:08
Re: umm... i have a question - by Calgon - 23.04.2010, 02:23
Re: umm... i have a question - by Toni - 23.04.2010, 04:27
Re: umm... i have a question - by BLAbla93 - 23.04.2010, 23:59
Re: umm... i have a question - by snoob - 24.04.2010, 00:26

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