11.04.2010, 16:02
Originally Posted by Danny-08
little problem with AddPrivateVehicle
i am not sure if i am doing it correct i tried these in my game mode. AddPrivateVehicle(Owner[iKustomize],522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000); , AddPrivateVehicle([iKustomize],522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000); and AddPrivateVehicle(iKustomize,522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000); None of them worked just wondering if you could tell me where i am going wrong. EDIT- Also why would we put <pvehicles> as a include when your include file anme is "evf" should it not be #include <evf> ?? |
AddPrivateVehicle("iKustomize",522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000);
Because player name is a string.