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[Include] [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - Printable Version

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[INC] Easy Vehicle Functions -> "EVF" - thiaZ_ - 17.03.2010

Easy Vehicle Functions


1. Step: Download the .rar
2. Step: Put the .inc file into "/pawno/includes"
3. Step: Add "#include <pvehicles>" on top of your script.
4. Step: Add the functions to your script
5. Step: .::VERY IMPORTANT::. Add "INC_VehicleSpawn(vehicleid);" to your OnVehicleSpawn callback and "INC_VehicleStateChange(playerid, newstate);" to your OnPlayerStateChange callback.
6. Step: Create one Folder in the scriptfiles which should be called: "EVF".
7. Add my functions to your script.
8. Compile. (If there should be any errors -> ASK HERE FOR SUPPORT
9. Have fun!


[99.Pawn]AddVehicleLine function




Feel free to talk about the include here.

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - Carlton - 17.03.2010

Nice job. Creative and useful.

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - XRVX - 17.03.2010

lol at the video :P
nice job man
good script

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - thiaZ_ - 17.03.2010

thank you.

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - ThaYuriShit - 17.03.2010

nice job

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - JPs_ - 17.03.2010

Good work [UvH]thiaZ :P

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - Aoi_Rikuto - 17.03.2010

Very nice! Definitely going to use this!

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - freezebox - 30.03.2010

could you show an example of the AddPrivateVehicle as in a proper example - with a test vehicle added. whenever i add one it says Owner[Example] is not defined or w/e

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - ДitisOnHuora - 30.03.2010

This is really nice..

With this, could make a really nice and simple vehicle ownership

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - Lorenc_ - 31.03.2010

Edit: Thanks i'm going to use this

Oldpost: To rude lol cuz i loved these functions

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - V1ceC1ty - 31.03.2010

AddVehicleLine looks cool.

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - @TheShadow@ - 31.03.2010

haha nice work thiaz


schцn weiter scripten schatzi

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - freezebox - 31.03.2010

please help me - when i add this into my script it displayes Owner[] as unknown - please help?

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - Steven82 - 02.04.2010

How do i make it so when i add the owner's name, if the person not the owner's name and they get in it kicks them out.

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - Danny-08 - 05.04.2010

little problem with AddPrivateVehicle

i am not sure if i am doing it correct i tried these in my game mode.

AddPrivateVehicle(Owner[iKustomize],522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000);


AddPrivateVehicle([iKustomize],522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000);


AddPrivateVehicle(iKustomize,522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000);

None of them worked just wondering if you could tell me where i am going wrong.


Also why would we put <pvehicles> as a include when your include file anme is "evf" should it not be #include <evf> ??

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - Danny-08 - 10.04.2010

Sorry to bump.

But.. i need a answer for my last post please.

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - MichalGusta - 10.04.2010


AddPrivateVehicle(playerid,522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000);

or if the player is saved to a file, use the variable for that players name.

Also the include thing, i am not sure of i tried what he said and got a load of errors, but when i used #include <evf> it worked fine.

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - KnooL - 11.04.2010

Thank you.

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - AiVAMAN - 11.04.2010

Suggestion: In AddVehicleLine you can use AddStaticVehicleFindZ or something like this. this would be better I think.

Re: [INC] 99.Pawn - Easy Vehicle Functions - "EVF" - arnutisz - 11.04.2010

Originally Posted by Danny-08
little problem with AddPrivateVehicle

i am not sure if i am doing it correct i tried these in my game mode.

AddPrivateVehicle(Owner[iKustomize],522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000);


AddPrivateVehicle([iKustomize],522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000);


AddPrivateVehicle(iKustomize,522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000);

None of them worked just wondering if you could tell me where i am going wrong.


Also why would we put <pvehicles> as a include when your include file anme is "evf" should it not be #include <evf> ??
It should be:
AddPrivateVehicle("iKustomize",522,-1364.7598,-213.3435,13.7183,225.0000,126, 56, 6000);

Because player name is a string.