Command for team, doesn't work, WHY !!!!

pawn Код:
        new gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS]; // YOU CREATED THE VAR

    if(gTeam[playerid] == 1) // you checked it, but you didn't used it in anywhere, so how could it be 1?
       if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, 2295.9094,2451.3831,10.8203))
       SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"You changed to the civilian skin, and also you will be able to drive your job's car.");
       SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 185);
       SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"You have to go to LVPD spawn place, to use this command");
       SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF, " You need to be cop in order to use this command. ");
  return 1;
Go wiki, learn the basics.

Messages In This Thread
Command for team, doesn't work, WHY !!!! - by samuel_hamza - 01.04.2010, 20:58
Re: Command for team, doesn't work, WHY !!!! - by samuel_hamza - 01.04.2010, 21:50
Re: Command for team, doesn't work, WHY !!!! - by Thrarod - 01.04.2010, 22:00
Re: Command for team, doesn't work, WHY !!!! - by wafffllesss - 01.04.2010, 23:37
Re: Command for team, doesn't work, WHY !!!! - by samuel_hamza - 02.04.2010, 10:51
Re: Command for team, doesn't work, WHY !!!! - by MadeMan - 02.04.2010, 10:55
Re: Command for team, doesn't work, WHY !!!! - by samuel_hamza - 02.04.2010, 12:00
Re: Command for team, doesn't work, WHY !!!! - by samuel_hamza - 02.04.2010, 15:04

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