Originally Posted by RedShirt (JernejL)
Originally Posted by Damian
Originally Posted by Seif_
GetPlayerAmmo is still bugged. For some reason, it returns -1 at random times, preventing me from properly saving the player's ammo. I'll have to go with GetPlayerWeaponData though I'm not sure if it's as bad as GetPlayerAmmo to get the ammo.
When people scroll it reads ammo from the current weapon slot a person is on. My guess is they scrolled to fists, thus -1.
Only rely on the selected weapon's ammo, and only rely on it after the player holds the weapon for a few seconds - the ammo is not updated as often as you may want it to, and it can return old weapon ammo at first (example: player had a flamethrower with 5000 ammo and picked up a RPG, the script will still return 5000 ammo for RPG slot for a short time until the new value is synced in).
Well if someone request GetPlayerAmmo BEFORE ammo sync, it can be internally integrate like SyncAmmo or whatever is name...