[HELP] Isplayerinarea

no body its gonna help you if you disrespect SAMP posting rules -_-
second of all your requesting the code because you probly know how to make it
so go on request thread and ask for this

hint :

use timers textdraws use PlayerInArea and create the diase
pHIV e.t.c and if timer counts down pHIV =1; e,t,c then dont remove the diase in player death
make it go if they do /healme at hospital or w.e thats simple if you just dont want make it
just ask in request thread

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Isplayerinarea - by WThieves - 12.02.2010, 14:09
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea - by WThieves - 12.02.2010, 14:13
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea - by WThieves - 12.02.2010, 16:05
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea - by WThieves - 12.02.2010, 18:17
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea - by Onyx09 - 12.02.2010, 18:26
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea - by WThieves - 13.02.2010, 00:55

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