[HELP] Isplayerinarea - Printable Version
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[HELP] Isplayerinarea -
WThieves - 12.02.2010
I need help with an area.
How do i make this:
1: if the player is in my designated area a timer starts that wil count down from a number between 5 and 10 minutes and shows a timer in the bottom left of the screen, and when you leave the area the timer resets and it will never reach 0:00 unless you enter it again( if you enter it again the timer musn't go further it must restart at a random number between 5 and 10 minutes again)?
2: if the timer has counted to 0:00 you will get a disease which makes you generate -0.1 health per second and when it has been 20 seconds your screen will go like you're drunk and at like 35 seconds it will slowly fade half red(the kind of red you can see through but is still annoying)?
3: after you die it still happens and you will have to buy a medicine by using the word /medicine.
4: when the timer reaches 0:00 you'll see a big red text saying "You are sick use /sickhelp"?
Thanks if you can enter these questions :P
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea -
WThieves - 12.02.2010
Originally Posted by WThieves
I need help with an area.
How do i make this:
1: if the player is in my designated area a timer starts that wil count up to a number between 5 and 10 minutes and shows a timer in the bottom left of the screen, and when you leave the area the timer resets and it will never reach 0:00 unless you enter it again( if you enter it again the timer musn't go further it must restart at a random number between 5 and 10 minutes again)?
2: if the timer has counted to 0:00 you will get a disease which makes you generate -0.1 health per second and when it has been 20 seconds your screen will go like you're drunk and at like 35 seconds it will slowly fade half red(the kind of red you can see through but is still annoying)?
3: after you die it still happens and you will have to buy a medicine by using the word /medicine.
4: when the timer reaches 0:00 you'll see a big red text saying "You are sick use /sickhelp"?
Thanks if you can enter these questions :P
sorry for the double post accidentaly used the quote button and wanted to use edit(you can't delete your posts hmmm...)
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea -
WThieves - 12.02.2010
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea -
WThieves - 12.02.2010
Originally Posted by WThieves
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea -
Onyx09 - 12.02.2010
no body its gonna help you if you disrespect SAMP posting rules -_-
second of all your requesting the code because you probly know how to make it
so go on request thread and ask for this
hint :
use timers textdraws use PlayerInArea and create the diase
pHIV e.t.c and if timer counts down pHIV =1; e,t,c then dont remove the diase in player death
make it go if they do /healme at hospital or w.e thats simple if you just dont want make it
just ask in request thread
Re: [HELP] Isplayerinarea -
WThieves - 13.02.2010
Originally Posted by [GM
LeGenDy ]
no body its gonna help you if you disrespect SAMP posting rules -_-
second of all your requesting the code because you probly know how to make it
so go on request thread and ask for this
hint :
use timers textdraws use PlayerInArea and create the diase
pHIV e.t.c and if timer counts down pHIV =1; e,t,c then dont remove the diase in player death
make it go if they do /healme at hospital or w.e thats simple if you just dont want make it
just ask in request thread
Sorry for the disrespect and all but i'm half way through i only need the slow red fading.