Windows 7 59Hz lock

HP techsupport go by whats in front of them, I run windows 7 with no refresh rate lock, It only locks the refresh rate to resloustions that your monitor can handle, For example if you set your montior to 800x600 You can set your refresh rate to your max montior refresh rate for that montior. The refresh rate is locked by your montior not your os

Messages In This Thread
Windows 7 59Hz lock - by BP13 - 11.02.2010, 01:02
Re: Windows 7 59Hz lock - by V1ceC1ty - 11.02.2010, 07:13
Re: Windows 7 59Hz lock - by ihatetn931 - 11.02.2010, 07:39
Re: Windows 7 59Hz lock - by RaZZoR - 11.02.2010, 07:40
Re: Windows 7 59Hz lock - by BP13 - 11.02.2010, 11:56
Re: Windows 7 59Hz lock - by RaZZoR - 11.02.2010, 15:03
Re: Windows 7 59Hz lock - by BP13 - 11.02.2010, 21:06
Re: Windows 7 59Hz lock - by RobertGraham - 11.02.2010, 21:19
Re: Windows 7 59Hz lock - by BP13 - 11.02.2010, 21:23
Re: Windows 7 59Hz lock - by ihatetn931 - 11.02.2010, 21:57

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