[FilterScript] [FS]Playercount (With saving)

[FS]Playercount (With saving)
What is this?
This is a pretty simple and basic filterscript, which stores how many players who have connected to your server, to a file.
By using the command "/pcount [params: all/current/total]" you will get a message which says how many players have connected since last time the fs loaded
and how many players who have connected to the server all-time.
This script is pretty basic, but might be useful.


10:39PM 8 December, 2009
- Beta 1 (v0.5) done.
- No testing done yet.
3:08PM 16 December, 2009
- Beta 2 (v0.7) done.
- Some testing done, but only by Miokie*(thanks), not myself.
8:28PM++ 21 December, 2009
- Beta 3 (v0.9) done.
- No more testing done since last time.
- Removed ReturnCount function, and put the content inside the command.
- Remove g_iTotalCount variable, no need for it.
- Made command available for all players by default (was admins only).
- Added debug prints for all callbacks, to be sure everything works correctly
(even for the zcmd commands)
- Added a toggle command for admins (FS enabled/disabled)
6:25AM 22 December, 2009
- Beta 4 (v0.95) done.
- Added a RCON console command for testing purposes.
"opc" called OnPlayerConnect 15 times, and playercount increased correctly
- Waiting for last testing with real players before releasing FS.
3:00PM 26 December, 2009
- First stable release (v1.0) done!
- Tested with blank script, no errors/mistakes/bugs (as I could see)
- Fixed a small bug (total was 0 if it was 0 in the file, even if current was 1. that is fixed now)
- Released at the forums for the first time.

/pcount [params: all/current/total]
- 'all' Sends a client message with total AND current playercount.
- 'current' Sends a client message with ONLY current playercount.
- 'total' Sends a client message with ONLY total playercount.

dINI (by Dracoblue)
ZCMD (by ZeeX)

Download URLs:

Source Code:
Pastebin - http://playercountfs.pastebin.com/f7415cb9e
Mediafire - http://www.mediafire.com/file/ynjjul...layercount.pwn

Compiled Source:
Mediafire - http://www.mediafire.com/file/i1zukm...layercount.amx

Zipped Archive (Compiled and Source Code):
Mediafire - http://www.mediafire.com/file/tzudfh...layercount.rar

Mirror's are welcome, and will be added here ^

Enjoy, and have fun!
- lrZ^

Messages In This Thread
[FS]Playercount (With saving) - by LarzI - 26.12.2009, 13:26
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) - by RenisiL - 26.12.2009, 14:05
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) - by Correlli - 26.12.2009, 14:13
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) - by LarzI - 26.12.2009, 23:22
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) - by Lavion - 27.12.2009, 08:25
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) - by Cypress - 27.12.2009, 15:00
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) - by LarzI - 27.12.2009, 19:41
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) - by LarzI - 15.09.2010, 21:40
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) - by willsuckformoney - 15.09.2010, 22:19
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) - by LarzI - 15.09.2010, 22:21

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