[FS]Playercount (With saving) -
LarzI - 26.12.2009
[FS]Playercount (With saving)
What is this?
This is a pretty simple and basic filterscript, which stores how many players who have connected to your server, to a file.
By using the command "/pcount [params: all/current/total]" you will get a message which says how many players have connected since last time the fs loaded
and how many players who have connected to the server all-time.
This script is pretty basic, but might be useful.
10:39PM 8 December, 2009
- Beta 1 (v0.5) done.
- No testing done yet.
3:08PM 16 December, 2009
- Beta 2 (v0.7) done.
- Some testing done, but only by Miokie*(thanks), not myself.
8:28PM++ 21 December, 2009
- Beta 3 (v0.9) done.
- No more testing done since last time.
- Removed ReturnCount function, and put the content inside the command.
- Remove g_iTotalCount variable, no need for it.
- Made command available for all players by default (was admins only).
- Added debug prints for all callbacks, to be sure everything works correctly
(even for the zcmd commands)
- Added a toggle command for admins (FS enabled/disabled)
6:25AM 22 December, 2009
- Beta 4 (v0.95) done.
- Added a RCON console command for testing purposes.
"opc" called OnPlayerConnect 15 times, and playercount increased correctly
- Waiting for last testing with real players before releasing FS.
3:00PM 26 December, 2009
- First stable release (v1.0) done!
- Tested with blank script, no errors/mistakes/bugs (as I could see)
- Fixed a small bug (total was 0 if it was 0 in the file, even if current was 1. that is fixed now)
- Released at the forums for the first time.
/pcount [params: all/current/total]
- 'all' Sends a client message with total AND current playercount.
- 'current' Sends a client message with ONLY current playercount.
- 'total' Sends a client message with ONLY total playercount.
dINI (by Dracoblue)
ZCMD (by ZeeX)
Download URLs:
Source Code:
Pastebin -
Mediafire -
Compiled Source:
Mediafire -
Zipped Archive (Compiled and Source Code):
Mediafire -
Mirror's are welcome, and will be added here ^
Enjoy, and have fun!
- lrZ^
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) -
RenisiL - 26.12.2009
What does it do?
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) -
Correlli - 26.12.2009
Originally Posted by RenisiL
What does it do?
It's so hard to read, isn't it?
Originally Posted by lrZ^ aka LarzI
What is this?
This is a pretty simple and basic filterscript, which stores how many players who have connected to your server, to a file.
By using the command "/pcount [params: all/current/total]" you will get a message which says how many players have connected since last time the fs loaded
and how many players who have connected to the server all-time.
This script is pretty basic, but might be useful.
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) -
LarzI - 26.12.2009
Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Originally Posted by RenisiL
What does it do?
It's so hard to read, isn't it?
Originally Posted by lrZ^ aka LarzI
What is this?
This is a pretty simple and basic filterscript, which stores how many players who have connected to your server, to a file.
By using the command "/pcount [params: all/current/total]" you will get a message which says how many players have connected since last time the fs loaded
and how many players who have connected to the server all-time.
This script is pretty basic, but might be useful.
Yeah I thought so too, jeez :S
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) -
Lavion - 27.12.2009
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) -
Cypress - 27.12.2009
Nice but keep to edit it!
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) -
LarzI - 27.12.2009
I will if I get (improvment-)ideas
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) -
LarzI - 15.09.2010
Just bumping up my old topic for reviews/comments
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) -
willsuckformoney - 15.09.2010
lol nicely done + epic bump = nice'r
attempt 1: This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 60 seconds.
attempt 2: This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 32 seconds.
attempt 3: This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 4 seconds.
Re: [FS]Playercount (With saving) -
LarzI - 15.09.2010
Originally Posted by willsuckformoney
lol nicely done + epic bump = nice'r
attempt 1: This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 60 seconds.
attempt 2: This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 32 seconds.
attempt 3: This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 4 seconds.
Thank you.
This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 64 seconds.
This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 36 seconds.
This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 9 seconds.
Mine: 64secs, 36secs, 9secs
Yours: 60secs, 32secs, 4secs
If only I clicked one second later on the last attempt, I would try exactly 5seconds before you on every attempt!
That's epic