I have a question

Moving gates/objects are my weakness... I'm not the only one. We need a good tutorial or a program or something that can give the script. But I tried over and over and failed over and over. Anyway, I know how to add objects and all that kind of stuff, only moving objects/gates. Also gates that can be opened with commands by 1 team. ''/lvpdlift'' or something like that and can be only opened by LVPD officers. Can someone create a (better tutorial)?


Messages In This Thread
I have a question - by Blade 9INE - 14.12.2009, 15:59
Re: I have a question - by Correlli - 14.12.2009, 16:04
Re: I have a question - by Blade 9INE - 14.12.2009, 16:07
Re: I have a question - by Andy_McKinley - 14.12.2009, 16:17
Re: I have a question - by miokie - 15.12.2009, 15:55
Re: I have a question - by Correlli - 15.12.2009, 15:57
Re: I have a question - by Blade 9INE - 15.12.2009, 16:24
Re: I have a question - by Aleron - 15.12.2009, 18:45

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