Please not this deceitful hack

Well this was ingame:

At first glance it appears that they are in rcon?

The log:

[09:11:22] [chat] [[PK]Assassin[CD]]: lol                              * Admin:lolz
[09:11:36] [chat] [[PK]Assassin[CD]]: lol                              * Admin: lolz
[09:11:43] [chat] [[mad]mlk]: wtf
[09:11:53] [chat] [[mad]mlk]: whos in rcon?
[09:11:56] [chat] [Ryan]: whos admin?
[09:12:04] [chat] [[PK]Assassin[CD]]: WHO GOT PARKOUR MOD                              * Admin: im a noob
[09:12:07] [chat] [Jackass]: mad mlk
[09:12:35] [chat] [[mad]mlk]: whos this because i can easly get ur ip
[09:12:53] [chat] [sasha]: вася на арео а патом во втарой город
[09:13:01] [chat] [Ryan]: better own up quick to avoid a ban.

Messages In This Thread
Please not this deceitful hack - by [mad]MLK - 30.10.2009, 09:24
Re: Please not this deceitful hack - by ev0lution - 30.10.2009, 09:30
Re: Please not this deceitful hack - by Sergei - 30.10.2009, 09:54
Re: Please not this deceitful hack - by daalz - 30.10.2009, 10:11
Re: Please not this deceitful hack - by shady91 - 30.10.2009, 10:28

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