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Please not this deceitful hack - Printable Version

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Please not this deceitful hack - [mad]MLK - 30.10.2009

Well this was ingame:

At first glance it appears that they are in rcon?

The log:

[09:11:22] [chat] [[PK]Assassin[CD]]: lol                              * Admin:lolz
[09:11:36] [chat] [[PK]Assassin[CD]]: lol                              * Admin: lolz
[09:11:43] [chat] [[mad]mlk]: wtf
[09:11:53] [chat] [[mad]mlk]: whos in rcon?
[09:11:56] [chat] [Ryan]: whos admin?
[09:12:04] [chat] [[PK]Assassin[CD]]: WHO GOT PARKOUR MOD                              * Admin: im a noob
[09:12:07] [chat] [Jackass]: mad mlk
[09:12:35] [chat] [[mad]mlk]: whos this because i can easly get ur ip
[09:12:53] [chat] [sasha]: вася на арео а патом во втарой город
[09:13:01] [chat] [Ryan]: better own up quick to avoid a ban.

Re: Please not this deceitful hack - ev0lution - 30.10.2009

How is that a hack?

It's simply a player with some form of mental retardation or hatred for admins, using spaces in chat to get some of the text to the next line and attempt to get you to believe it's a different chat message.
You could do it as well, I'm not sure how many spaces you need for it to wrap to the next line, but it's not hard.

Re: Please not this deceitful hack - Sergei - 30.10.2009

I lol'ed at this one:

[09:12:35] [chat] [[mad]mlk]: whos this because i can easly get ur ip

Re: Please not this deceitful hack - daalz - 30.10.2009

Just add 57 spaces before a text and it'll appear on a new line.

Re: Please not this deceitful hack - shady91 - 30.10.2009

lol i made in my server so you can do over 80 letters in one go. maybe you should to mate lol