Teleport With Objects


Poor codes shown above. There isn't only one door in your server is it? Loop through all your server's doors, then run the checks needed

He asked for something i sent him it, just like that, he wanted a teleport from a POINT to POINT as a result I gave him a code for it, but if he asked for a code for a door's system then i'd send him one, so instead of bumping the thread showing us your skills, read first.


You can also use GetDynamicObjectPos

That's not even related to the thread.

Messages In This Thread
Teleport With Objects - by Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019, 07:00
Re: Teleport With Objects - by Kaliber - 01.03.2019, 07:19
Re: Teleport With Objects - by Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019, 07:27
Re: Teleport With Objects - by Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019, 08:05
Re: Teleport With Objects - by JasonRiggs - 01.03.2019, 08:14
Re: Teleport With Objects - by Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019, 08:44
Re: Teleport With Objects - by Kaliber - 01.03.2019, 08:47
Re: Teleport With Objects - by Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019, 08:56
Re: Teleport With Objects - by TheToretto - 01.03.2019, 12:15
Re: Teleport With Objects - by d3Pedro - 01.03.2019, 12:23
Re: Teleport With Objects - by JasonRiggs - 01.03.2019, 12:26

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