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Teleport With Objects - Printable Version

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Teleport With Objects - Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019

How can teleport with zcmd when i get close to an object like ( Doors / Gates or ....)

Re: Teleport With Objects - Kaliber - 01.03.2019

You can check with IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint if the player is at the door and then use SetPlayerPos to teleport the player

Re: Teleport With Objects - Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019

Tnx Bro

Re: Teleport With Objects - Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019

Sorry / Another Question
Where Should i Add IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint ?

Re: Teleport With Objects - JasonRiggs - 01.03.2019


PHP код:
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid000)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"You are not near the door!");


Re: Teleport With Objects - Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019

Tnx 4 Help

This Code
CMD:enter(playerid, params[])
	if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, 2410.7625,22.7374,318.7558))
    	SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2617.1079,62.8777,256.7219);
    	return 1;

     return 0;
when i enter "2410.7625,22.7374,318.7558" position, i enter /ender & nothing will happen
i just want to teleport from "2410.7625,22.7374,318.7558" to "2617.1079,62.8777,256.7219"


Re: Teleport With Objects - Kaliber - 01.03.2019

So why not use the code above?

PHP код:
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid7.02410.7625,22.7374,318.7558)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"You are not near the door!");

You have to type /enter and it should work fine, if you are at the right position!

Re: Teleport With Objects - Mohaowmad - 01.03.2019

U R The Best
I'm Just Noob in Scripting
Thanks, that Worked

Re: Teleport With Objects - TheToretto - 01.03.2019

Poor codes shown above. There isn't only one door in your server is it? Loop through all your server's doors, then run the checks needed.

Re: Teleport With Objects - d3Pedro - 01.03.2019

You can also use GetDynamicObjectPos

pawn Код:
new objectid;

objectid = CreateDynamicObject(....);

CMD:enter(playerid, params[])
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    GetDynamicObjectPos(objectid, x, y, z);
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, x, y, z))
    return 1;

Re: Teleport With Objects - JasonRiggs - 01.03.2019


Poor codes shown above. There isn't only one door in your server is it? Loop through all your server's doors, then run the checks needed

He asked for something i sent him it, just like that, he wanted a teleport from a POINT to POINT as a result I gave him a code for it, but if he asked for a code for a door's system then i'd send him one, so instead of bumping the thread showing us your skills, read first.


You can also use GetDynamicObjectPos

That's not even related to the thread.