Climbing of Death

Usually you would enable the frame limiter for this stuff if it's just a one-time thing. Since you want a server-side solution, I suppose it would make sense to start using weapon-config as what the above user recommended:


Server-side health
  • Impossible to use health hacks on lagcomp mode
  • Any type of damage can be modified/prevented, even falling 1000m from the sky
  • Vending machines are controlled server-side (buildings removed and objects created)
  • Paused players can be killed (with death animations) and their HP bars always show the correct values

Messages In This Thread
Climbing of Death - by ToiletDuck - 10.02.2019, 02:51
Re: Climbing of Death - by Pottus - 10.02.2019, 02:58
Re: Climbing of Death - by ToiletDuck - 10.02.2019, 03:06
Re: Climbing of Death - by ComDuck - 10.02.2019, 03:32
Re: Climbing of Death - by ToiletDuck - 10.02.2019, 03:36
Re: Climbing of Death - by ComDuck - 10.02.2019, 03:43

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