Climbing of Death - Printable Version
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Climbing of Death -
ToiletDuck - 10.02.2019
Most of you have encountered this GTA Bug thing.
When Player climb a wall or an object they immediately died and detect as falling instant dead.
do we have a server script-side to prevent this bug? as far as I know you can lessen to experience this by turning on your frame limiter on your option setting though it will give you a rough gaming experience but then you can use /fpslimit to increase the fps for smoother gameplay. This is one of major bug that I'm facing with my server and its sucks that its for its existent.
I've been thinking on how Im going to deal with this thing and i came up with or detecting the player animation by using
OnPlayerUpdate and then use the
OnPlayerDeath callback.
Re: Climbing of Death -
Pottus - 10.02.2019
Does it still happen if you got infinite health? I would think so for some reason. If not weap-config would be the route to take.
Re: Climbing of Death -
ToiletDuck - 10.02.2019
Originally Posted by Pottus
Does it still happen if you got infinite health? I would think so for some reason. If not weap-config would be the route to take.
I haven't tried it yet. How does weapon-config prevent this thing?
Re: Climbing of Death -
ComDuck - 10.02.2019
Usually you would enable the frame limiter for this stuff if it's just a one-time thing. Since you want a server-side solution, I suppose it would make sense to start using weapon-config as what the above user recommended:
Server-side health- Impossible to use health hacks on lagcomp mode
- Any type of damage can be modified/prevented, even falling 1000m from the sky
- Vending machines are controlled server-side (buildings removed and objects created)
- Paused players can be killed (with death animations) and their HP bars always show the correct values
Re: Climbing of Death -
ToiletDuck - 10.02.2019
Originally Posted by ComDuck
Usually you would enable the frame limiter for this stuff if it's just a one-time thing. Since you want a server-side solution, I suppose it would make sense to start using weapon-config as what the above user recommended:
This uses Sky plugin right? does this work perfectly on 0.3.dl samp version?
Re: Climbing of Death -
ComDuck - 10.02.2019
Originally Posted by ToiletDuck
This uses Sky plugin right? does this work perfectly on 0.3.dl samp version?
I can't say for sure, there's two branches in the GitHub repo:
Compile and use the one that was updated recently (master branch), or switch to the 0.3DL branch.