ban system

First of all, DINI is pretty bad compared to y_INI and MySQL.
Secondly, make sure that pBanned is actually 1. Sometimes it might be the bantime instead and you can check if a player is not banned by checking if the value is 0. If the value is anything different to 0, they're banned.

Messages In This Thread
ban system - by REmixs1 - 09.02.2019, 16:42
Re: ban system - by XpoZzA - 09.02.2019, 16:44
Re: ban system - by REmixs1 - 09.02.2019, 16:45
Re: ban system - by Florin48 - 09.02.2019, 17:12
Re: ban system - by TokicMajstor - 09.02.2019, 17:49
Re: ban system - by Proxus - 09.02.2019, 18:31
Re: ban system - by TokicMajstor - 09.02.2019, 18:32

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