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ban system - Printable Version

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ban system - REmixs1 - 09.02.2019

If banned player in my server trying to connect all the server shut down automaticlly, it's happen already to someone here?
waiting for answer

HTML Code:
	if(dini_Int(file, "pBanned") == 1)
	    SetPlayerName(playerid, "BannedPlayer");
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "SERVER: {FFFFFF}You are banned from this server. (Make a ban appeal at");
	    return 1;
	return 1;

Re: ban system - XpoZzA - 09.02.2019

Try replacing the if line with:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBanned] == 1)

Re: ban system - REmixs1 - 09.02.2019

Originally Posted by XpoZzA
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Try replacing the if line with:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMedLic] == 1)
didn't work bro XD

Re: ban system - Florin48 - 09.02.2019

post addban function

Re: ban system - TokicMajstor - 09.02.2019

IMPORTANT If you want to use [pBanned] you should load the user before the ban is showed to him. And remove changing name to banned player it's not needed player will be kicked anyway

Re: ban system - Proxus - 09.02.2019

First of all, DINI is pretty bad compared to y_INI and MySQL.
Secondly, make sure that pBanned is actually 1. Sometimes it might be the bantime instead and you can check if a player is not banned by checking if the value is 0. If the value is anything different to 0, they're banned.

Re: ban system - TokicMajstor - 09.02.2019

Yeah Iam using y_Ini for years