Personalized health of the vehicles

I'm using this "" editor, and the cars are added like this:

PHP код:
new g_Object[2];
g_Object[0] = CreateObject(18646, -1973.4848725.119946.24670.00000.0000, -90.2997); //PoliceLight1
g_Object[1]= CreateObject(18646, -1942.7042723.632046.08060.00000.0000, -91.9000); //PoliceLight1
g_Vehicle[0] = CreateVehicle(490, -1975.2310723.728245.6867, -90.299700, -1); //FBI Rancher
g_Vehicle[1] = CreateVehicle(490, -1996.2443704.942445.6868, -0.099800, -1); //FBI Rancher
AttachObjectToVehicle(g_Object[0], g_Vehicle[1], 0.00001.73980.55980.00000.00000.0000);
AttachObjectToVehicle(g_Object[1g_Vehicle[1], 0.00001.21990.25000.00000.00000.0000); 
Is it wrong to do so or is it simply the same?

Messages In This Thread
Personalized health of the vehicles - by Volumen - 17.01.2019, 14:44
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Damian - 17.01.2019, 15:21
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Volumen - 17.01.2019, 15:33
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Volumen - 17.01.2019, 15:37
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Damian - 17.01.2019, 15:39
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Volumen - 17.01.2019, 15:45
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Damian - 17.01.2019, 16:07
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Volumen - 18.01.2019, 02:18
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Volumen - 18.01.2019, 12:51
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Volumen - 18.01.2019, 14:45
Re: Personalized health of the vehicles - by Volumen - 18.01.2019, 15:07

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