[Include] JGPS - Amazing!

Originally Posted by Alexis17
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I apologize, actually, publish very fast, this.
I don't see the link of original post. Can you please provide the link in your thread, its very unclear from the credits what work was done by you and others.

Also i wanted to make a note this include won't be usable in a populated server, like 15-20 players might use up all the gangzones slots available. One solution is using YSF, you can implement Player Gangzones for this kind of thing.

Messages In This Thread
JGPS - Amazing! - by Alexis17 - 02.01.2019, 14:25
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by cuber - 02.01.2019, 14:42
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by RogueDrifter - 02.01.2019, 14:43
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by BigETI - 02.01.2019, 14:44
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by cuber - 02.01.2019, 14:45
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by NaS - 02.01.2019, 15:06
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by Alexis17 - 02.01.2019, 15:11
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by Alexis17 - 02.01.2019, 15:22
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by NaS - 02.01.2019, 15:51
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by Alexis17 - 02.01.2019, 16:06
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by MyU - 02.01.2019, 16:23
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by Alexis17 - 02.01.2019, 16:35
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by Gammix - 02.01.2019, 18:59
Re: JGPS - Amazing! - by Alexis17 - 02.01.2019, 19:09

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