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[Include] JGPS - Amazing! - Printable Version

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JGPS - Amazing! - Alexis17 - 02.01.2019

Hello everyone, happy new year!

As my first include that is one of the best, at the moment, and is not released in our forum!


Before including it, you have to indicate in which mode the include will be working.

GPS_MODE_1 - When marking a position in the radar, automatically when returning to the game (Being in the pause menu, obviously) the GPS will mark the way to the indicated place.
GPS_MODE_2 - The SetPlayerCheckpoint function is hooked, so when calling it the GPS will start working.
GPS_MODE_ALL - Both modes above will be working.

If no mode is indicated, the include will give an error message.

You can also modify how many gangs the player will use for the node path, in order to do this, you have to modify the MAX_DOTS definition, the default value is 50.

Sorry about the video quality, OBS didn`t allow to me to use NVENC.


CreditsSomehow or other, these people contributed.

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - cuber - 02.01.2019

Devolped by J_esus and #Fede, am likey.

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - RogueDrifter - 02.01.2019

Originally Posted by cuber
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Devolped by J_esus and #Fede, am likey.
Top notch, i arrived, its beautiful


To remove the cancerous ^M @ line endings change the EOL from CRLF to LF

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - BigETI - 02.01.2019


Re: JGPS - Amazing! - cuber - 02.01.2019


Re: JGPS - Amazing! - NaS - 02.01.2019

Well good job porting the original script to the new plugin and a handy include. But that's about all you did.

You're even using the crappy GDBP macro.

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - Alexis17 - 02.01.2019

Originally Posted by NaS
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Well good job porting the original script to the new plugin and a handy include. But that's about all you did.

You're even using the crappy GDBP macro.
But I did it!

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - Alexis17 - 02.01.2019

Originally Posted by BigETI
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Sorry, i'm new using Github, fixed.

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - NaS - 02.01.2019

Originally Posted by Alexis17
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But I did it!

See paths.pwn in the filterscripts folder. I know it's cancer-level coding but it was pretty obviously the base for this.

CreateMapRoute is exactly the same with (minimal) optimizations and some variables renamed (except "Points", "TotalDis", "Dis", etc).

DestroyRoute is also the same (with 2 unneccessary lines removed).

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - Alexis17 - 02.01.2019

Originally Posted by NaS
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See paths.pwn in the filterscripts folder. I know it's cancer-level coding but it was pretty obviously the base for this.

CreateMapRoute is exactly the same with (minimal) optimizations and some variables renamed (except "Points", "TotalDis", "Dis", etc).

DestroyRoute is also the same (with 2 unneccessary lines removed).
Use of base paths.pwn, but that does not mean anything, my include was the first one released with the modern plugin.

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - MyU - 02.01.2019

Originally Posted by Alexis17
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Use of base paths.pwn, but that does not mean anything, my include was the first one released with the modern plugin.
Then, atleast refer back to the original source. I don't even know why it took 2 people to program this lel

Anyway. Nice that you ported it.

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - Alexis17 - 02.01.2019

Originally Posted by Alexis17
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  • Gamer_Z
  • NaS
  • Team SAMP
  • J_esus
  • kvann

I apologize, actually, publish very fast, this.

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - Gammix - 02.01.2019

Originally Posted by Alexis17
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I apologize, actually, publish very fast, this.
I don't see the link of original post. Can you please provide the link in your thread, its very unclear from the credits what work was done by you and others.

Also i wanted to make a note this include won't be usable in a populated server, like 15-20 players might use up all the gangzones slots available. One solution is using YSF, you can implement Player Gangzones for this kind of thing.

Re: JGPS - Amazing! - Alexis17 - 02.01.2019

Originally Posted by Gammix
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I don't see the link of original post. Can you please provide the link in your thread, its very unclear from the credits what work was done by you and others.

Also i wanted to make a note this include won't be usable in a populated server, like 15-20 players might use up all the gangzones slots available. One solution is using YSF, you can implement Player Gangzones for this kind of thing.
If gammix !, this is version 1.0 of the include, soon a new version will be made that allows to use YSF to adjust comfortably the slots of gangzones

PD: Excuse my bad English.