friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him

hi guys, this is an issue i've been having for a while now. the problem is that my friend's marker becomes small and i cant see him anymore.

i have tried to manually fix it by forcing our interiors / virtualworlds to match so thats not the problem.

i originally asked help in the samp discord some of you mentioned that this may be due to player packets being halted.

well, i used it on a different script now and it does it also (im using a mapping filterscript with 180k objects for both tests however the thing is this mapping filterscript ran on a server with 50-60 players for YEARS with no issues, so it would amaze me if this is the problem)...

every time i use a tp command it messes up and once the bug happened it cant be reverted, only when I gmx. this is the cmd i use:


CMD:gotoxyz ( playerid, params [] ) {

new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, interior, virtualworld ;

if ( sscanf ( params, "fffI(0)I(0)", x, y, z, interior, virtualworld ) ) {

return SendClientMessage ( playerid, -1, "/gotoxyz [x coord] [y coord] [z coord] [optional:interior] [optional:virtualworld]" );

SetPlayerPos ( playerid, x, y, z ) ;

SetPlayerInterior ( playerid, interior ) ;
SetPlayerVirtualWorld ( playerid, virtualworld ) ;

SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, sprintf("Teleported to %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f at world %d and interior %d!",
x, y, z, virtualworld, interior));

return true ;

as far as I can see nothing is incorrect with it, interiors and virtualworlds are optional... it would be very much appreciated if someone could help me find the solution. I wouldn't even mind paying the person who actually gives the missing clue and helps me fix this problem.

IF it is halted player packets, how do I solve this? Is there a way to force packets to happen?

i don't even know anymore

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