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friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Printable Version

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friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Dignity - 25.12.2018

hi guys, this is an issue i've been having for a while now. the problem is that my friend's marker becomes small and i cant see him anymore.

i have tried to manually fix it by forcing our interiors / virtualworlds to match so thats not the problem.

i originally asked help in the samp discord some of you mentioned that this may be due to player packets being halted.

well, i used it on a different script now and it does it also (im using a mapping filterscript with 180k objects for both tests however the thing is this mapping filterscript ran on a server with 50-60 players for YEARS with no issues, so it would amaze me if this is the problem)...

every time i use a tp command it messes up and once the bug happened it cant be reverted, only when I gmx. this is the cmd i use:


CMD:gotoxyz ( playerid, params [] ) {

new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, interior, virtualworld ;

if ( sscanf ( params, "fffI(0)I(0)", x, y, z, interior, virtualworld ) ) {

return SendClientMessage ( playerid, -1, "/gotoxyz [x coord] [y coord] [z coord] [optional:interior] [optional:virtualworld]" );

SetPlayerPos ( playerid, x, y, z ) ;

SetPlayerInterior ( playerid, interior ) ;
SetPlayerVirtualWorld ( playerid, virtualworld ) ;

SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, sprintf("Teleported to %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f at world %d and interior %d!",
x, y, z, virtualworld, interior));

return true ;

as far as I can see nothing is incorrect with it, interiors and virtualworlds are optional... it would be very much appreciated if someone could help me find the solution. I wouldn't even mind paying the person who actually gives the missing clue and helps me fix this problem.

IF it is halted player packets, how do I solve this? Is there a way to force packets to happen?

i don't even know anymore

Re: friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Logic_ - 25.12.2018

Well, if it's the one specific player then shouldn't it be their internet issue??

Re: friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Dignity - 25.12.2018

Originally Posted by Logic_
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Well, if it's the one specific player then shouldn't it be their internet issue??
No, it happens with everyone. Nobody can see each other. The server is hosted in France, we have people from Sweden, France, Belgium and the UK, they all have the problem. (all pings < 45)

Re: friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Threshold - 25.12.2018

Does your OnPlayerUpdate return 1?

This normally occurs when OnPlayerUpdate returns 0.

Re: friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Dignity - 25.12.2018

Originally Posted by Threshold
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Does your OnPlayerUpdate return 1?

This normally occurs when OnPlayerUpdate returns 0.
I have OnPlayerUpdate returning 1; in all of my scripts.

I thought this was the case too, because the bug only occurs to SOME people, and the people who don't have the bug see the bugged people standing still.

But like I said.. all my code returns 1.

EDIT: I ran a printf under OnPlayerUpdate. It's still being called...
EDIT 2: It only starts occuring after I teleport somewhere & have my vw / int set...

Re: friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Logic_ - 25.12.2018

I had a similar issue and it all got fixed when I updated my plugins and includes. I'm sure you have everything up to date already. So nothing else crosses my mind why this would be occuring? What's your server acks limit btw??

Edit: I've also noticed that if you have "use artwork" set as anything else than 0 or 1, it does weird things in the server.

Re: friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Dignity - 25.12.2018

10,000 because I tend to run very heavy scripts (ww-rp and medieval rp).

Re: friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - NaS - 25.12.2018

Are you using 0.3DL? If so, do you return 1 in OnPlayerFinishedDownloading?

In case you do, you could try to place it in all scripts you use, even if you just return 1 inside of it.

Re: friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Dignity - 25.12.2018

Originally Posted by NaS
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Are you using 0.3DL? If so, do you return 1 in OnPlayerFinishedDownloading?

In case you do, you could try to place it in all scripts you use, even if you just return 1 inside of it.
I ran 0.3dl but not this function (in this script). I have since downgraded to 0.3.7 but when I revisit this version later I will try this suggestion, thanks.

TL;DR downgrading to 0.3.7 rc2 fixed it

Re: friend's minimap blip is smaller than usual, and i cant see him - Dignity - 28.02.2019

Thanks to TommyB for providing the solution in exchange for many shekels

Shameless bump btw

The solution is that you need to have at least 1 model loaded in any 0.3dl server or this issue will occur for players who’se vw gets changed