only letters

Hello guys I need to check if in the string is only letters, so I created a stock for this, but it doesn't work.
Here is it:
PHP код:
stock OnlyLetters(text[])
'a'<= 'z'i++)
i2 'A'i2 <= 'Z'i2++)
string[256], string2[256];
format(stringsizeof(string), "%c"i);
format(string2sizeof(string2), "%c"i2);
strfind(textstringtrue) == && strfind(textstring2true) == 1)

Please help

Messages In This Thread
only letters - by Kraeror - 07.12.2018, 13:12
Re: only letters - by Calisthenics - 07.12.2018, 13:40
Re: only letters - by Kraeror - 07.12.2018, 14:15
Re: only letters - by Logic_ - 07.12.2018, 16:00
Re: only letters - by Kraeror - 08.12.2018, 20:25
Re: only letters - by Kraeror - 08.12.2018, 20:34

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