only letters - Printable Version
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only letters -
Kraeror - 07.12.2018
Hello guys I need to check if in the string is only letters, so I created a stock for this, but it doesn't work.
Here is it:
PHP код:
stock OnlyLetters(text[])
for(new i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
for(new i2 = 'A'; i2 <= 'Z'; i2++)
new string[256], string2[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "%c", i);
format(string2, sizeof(string2), "%c", i2);
if(strfind(text, string, true) == 1 && strfind(text, string2, true) == 1)
return 0;
return 1;
Please help
Re: only letters -
Calisthenics - 07.12.2018
You need to loop from position 0 until string's length-1.
Check each character if it is in range of 'a' to 'z' OR 'A' to 'Z' using array index (in example
But it is better to do it the other way around. If a character is not a letter, return 0 right away to avoid needless loop iterations.
Re: only letters -
Kraeror - 07.12.2018
Originally Posted by ******
// At the top of your code.
#include <Pawn.Regex>
new Regex:g_reNameCheck;
// In OnGameModeInit (use `*` not `+` if empty strings are valid).
g_reNameCheck = Regex_New("^[a-zA-Z]+$");
// Your function (not stock, why did you make it stock?)
bool:OnlyLetters(const text[])
return Regex_Check(text, g_reNameCheck);
I don't want to check the player's name. I want to check in my gang system if there are only letters. I don't want gangs with names like: Gr0ve Street Fam1l1es or "12541265zdwas" gang
Re: only letters -
Logic_ - 07.12.2018
Originally Posted by Kraeror
I don't want to check the player's name. I want to check in my gang system if there are only letters. I don't want gangs with names like: Gr0ve Street Fam1l1es or "12541265zdwas" gang
****** gave you the code that uses Pawn RegEx plugin and told you the method to check it. There's nothing related to "player's name" - it can be used for any text (string).
Re: only letters -
Kraeror - 08.12.2018
Originally Posted by ******
// At the top of your code.
#include <Pawn.Regex>
new Regex:g_reNameCheck;
// In OnGameModeInit (use `*` not `+` if empty strings are valid).
g_reNameCheck = Regex_New("^[a-zA-Z]+$");
// Your function (not stock, why did you make it stock?)
bool:OnlyLetters(const text[])
return Regex_Check(text, g_reNameCheck);
I did it, but it didn't accept the spaces. I mean "Grove Street" is not accepted. It has to be "GroveStreet". How can I allow the spaces?
Re: only letters -
Kraeror - 08.12.2018
I think I did it, I just pasted a space inside the brackets: