09.02.2008, 21:37
«« UPDATE (Version 2.1):
From last version, which was: 520 lines only, only, for simple phone system,HAS BEEN UPDATED TO>>> TO >>> TO >>> Listen carefully!!!
TO: 2599 LINES !!!
Wanna see whats new, go a head, keep reading !! :]
- Added: /Favorite [Name]
- Added: /UnFavorite [1-5]
- Added: /QuickDial
- Added: /Abort
- Added: /LastCalls
/QuickDial, Will open a menu, with all your /Favorite numbers,
While the menu is open, you can choose your favorite number (MAX: 5)
Then it will call it, thats why its called /QuickDial, but ! to make quick dial, we must have the number saved!
(Even in real life, right?)
Then, /SaveNumber [Number][Name], Then when its saved, you can /Favorite [Name], the name it was saved with.
And then it will apear in the menu when you type /quickdial, unfavoriting will remove it ofcourse,
/Lastcalls, will open a menu with the last calls you've done, cool right? :]
/Abort, will abort a call, which has already been maden.
/Call 1234, when they pick up > you can /hangup, while its calling, you can /abort.
Download through main page!