[FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 08.02.2008
«« CellPhone system:
«« What is it:
- Simple as said, a CellPhone system
- Whats the difference between this and all the others?
- Very simple: THIS IS MINE
- I've made an end for /Call [ID], in my script
- Yes, That is corret, this script is based on NUMBERS
«« How to install:
- Extract the *.rar file into your server folder
- Read the notes included in the *.pwn file
- I mean, READ IT, every bug you could have report about
- Is told there how to prevent!
«« How to use:
- Get in the server while running the script as instructed
- Type /PhoneHelp to see the available commands
- Have fun!
«« Commands:
- /Pickup
- /Hangup
- /ToggleCell
- /PhoneHelp
- /Call [Number]
- /Sms [Number][Text]
- /SaveNumber [Number][Name]
- /LoadNumber [Name]
- /Favorite [Name]
- /UnFavorite[Name
- /QuickDial
- /LastCalls
- /Abort
«« Credits:
- Andre, for helping me testing this script!
- Rafelder, for helping me testing this script!
- Draco for dini & dutils functions!
«« Download:
«« Few notes:
- Mirrors, are NOT welcomed without my clear premission
- Please suggest any stuff you'd like in the next version
- No bugs has been found, if you found any (which wont happen), please report
«« UPDATE (Version 0.2):
- Added: SMS Command, Usage: '/Sms [Number][Text]'
- Fixed: One command wasnt showed at /PhoneHelp, its fixed !
«« UPDATE (Version 1.0):
- Added: /SaveNumber [Number][Name]
- Added: /LoadNumber [Number]
You can save a number by typing /SaveNumber [Number][Name],
No limit, so you can save as much as you want,
Then, you can /LoadNumber [Name], the same name as you typed in the save command,
And then it will print you the name and the number in friendly message.
You can not save number which isnt registered (Un existsed!)
You can not save numbers under the same name, But you can save same numbers on other names.
Saving a name "ElDiablo", will be the same as "eldiablo" and the same as "ELDIABLO".
Download at the download's section (UP).
Most importent: Enjoy :]
«« UPDATE (Version 2.1):
From last version, which was: 520 lines only, only, for simple phone system,
HAS BEEN UPDATED TO>>> TO >>> TO >>> Listen carefully!!!
TO: 2599 LINES !!!
Wanna see whats new, go a head, keep reading !! :]
- Added: /Favorite [Name]
- Added: /UnFavorite [1-5]
- Added: /QuickDial
- Added: /Abort
- Added: /LastCalls
/QuickDial, Will open a menu, with all your /Favorite numbers,
While the menu is open, you can choose your favorite number (MAX: 5)
Then it will call it, thats why its called /QuickDial, but ! to make quick dial, we must have the number saved!
(Even in real life, right?)
Then, /SaveNumber [Number][Name], Then when its saved, you can /Favorite [Name], the name it was saved with.
And then it will apear in the menu when you type /quickdial, unfavoriting will remove it ofcourse,
/Lastcalls, will open a menu with the last calls you've done, cool right? :]
/Abort, will abort a call, which has already been maden.
/Call 1234, when they pick up > you can /hangup, while its calling, you can /abort.
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
snipe69 - 08.02.2008
looks very nice but there isnt already other like this?
btw , nice work
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
LuxurioN™ - 08.02.2008
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 08.02.2008
Originally Posted by $SnIpE$
looks very nice but there isnt already other like this?
btw , nice work
First of all, thank you.
Now, have you saw the others?
The only one i saw with
/Call Number Was realy realy bugged.
All the others are
/Call ID, now, calling an ID, isnt a cellphone system, lets agree.
Its like Pm'ing someone once, and then you need to /hangup to stop pm'ing him.
Cell phone system, like mine, or the one you probably saw at the GodFather,
Is based on Numbers, each number for every one, now that, i call a cell phone system,
Dont you think so? i bet you do, and once again,
Thank you :]
Originally Posted by [SoH
Thanks !
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
snipe69 - 08.02.2008
Originally Posted by eldiablo1337
Originally Posted by $SnIpE$
looks very nice but there isnt already other like this?
btw , nice work
First of all, thank you.
Now, have you saw the others?
The only one i saw with /Call Number Was realy realy bugged.
All the others are /Call ID, now, calling an ID, isnt a cellphone system, lets agree.
Its like Pm'ing someone once, and then you need to /hangup to stop pm'ing him.
Cell phone system, like mine, or the one you probably saw at the GodFather,
Is based on Numbers, each number for every one, now that, i call a cell phone system,
Dont you think so? i bet you do, and once again,
Thank you :]
Originally Posted by [SoH
Thanks !
oh ok didnt saw the other was with id :P
nice men you could do sms too
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
Puffmac - 08.02.2008
My guinea pig could have scripted a sexier script!
. Kiding, nice realese man!!
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 08.02.2008
Originally Posted by $SnIpE$
Originally Posted by eldiablo1337
Originally Posted by $SnIpE$
looks very nice but there isnt already other like this?
btw , nice work
First of all, thank you.
Now, have you saw the others?
The only one i saw with /Call Number Was realy realy bugged.
All the others are /Call ID, now, calling an ID, isnt a cellphone system, lets agree.
Its like Pm'ing someone once, and then you need to /hangup to stop pm'ing him.
Cell phone system, like mine, or the one you probably saw at the GodFather,
Is based on Numbers, each number for every one, now that, i call a cell phone system,
Dont you think so? i bet you do, and once again,
Thank you :]
Originally Posted by [SoH
Thanks !
oh ok didnt saw the other was with id :P
nice men you could do sms too
Im glad you see the difference, about Sms command, i just wait it will get uploaded (the new version)
Originally Posted by [NoL
Puffmac ]
My guinea pig could have scripted a sexier script! . Kiding, nice realese man!!
Thank you, much appriciated !
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 08.02.2008
«« UPDATE (Version 0.2 A):
- Added: SMS Command, Usage: '/Sms [Number][Text]'
- Fixed: One command wasnt showed at /PhoneHelp, its fixed !
You can re - download from main page ! :]
Enjoy using it !!!
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
Numhaken - 08.02.2008
Nice! Want a mirror?
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 08.02.2008
Yes, I'd like to add more mirros, Thank you! :]
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
Numhaken - 08.02.2008
Mirror -
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 08.02.2008
Originally Posted by Numhaken
Thanks && Edited :]
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
yom - 09.02.2008
Actually, calling and sending sms, in reality, isn't free in most of cases, and in game you don't even decrease some $ when they call someone?
Also most phones now save contacts you call, so you just type an
id or part of their name, to call them. Do you still type numbers manually to call a friend?
You should make a menu that open when users type /phone or something..in this menu are user's contacts that he can call.
That's basically what my phone script do
(not available for download, so i don't advert any of my scripts, don't worry
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 09.02.2008
Originally Posted by Andre9977
Lol, yeah, was realy fun, and they rockets ^^ almost made it to SF :]
Testing it again, wont change anything, you wont find any bugs! ^^
Originally Posted by yom
Well, i guess ill release that in the next version,
You will be able to save numbers permanently (into your file)
Then showing them by a simple menu, with the names assigned from start.
About paying thing, you DO pay while talking / sending sms:
Talking: 2 Dollars in 5 seconds, Sms: 5 Dollars for one message.
Anyway, Thanks for the comments! :]
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 09.02.2008
«« UPDATE (Version 1.0):
- Added: /SaveNumber [Number][Name]
- Added: /LoadNumber [Number]
You can save a number by typing /SaveNumber [Number][Name],
No limit, so you can save as much as you want,
Then, you can /LoadNumber [Name], the same name as you typed in the save command,
And then it will print you the name and the number in friendly message.
You can not save number which isnt registered (Un existsed!)
You can not save numbers under the same name, But you can save same numbers on other names.
Saving a name "ElDiablo", will be the same as "eldiablo" and the same as "ELDIABLO".
Download at the downloads section.
Most importent: Enjoy :]
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
LethaL - 09.02.2008
File => Save As => CellPhoneSystem_Version1.0A.pwn. Gets rid of the stupid ELDIAB~1.amx on all your scripts
btw very nice. no yom's menu
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 09.02.2008
Originally Posted by LethaL
............on all your scripts
btw very nice. no yom's menu
So, i see you use all my scripts (downloaded) because you know how they end ^^, nice to hear.
About the menu, hum, why not?
The only problem is, it will get too complicated,
Because if a player has too many numbers, i need to check that somehow,
Then to make a 'tab' to "Next numbers" in the menu, all other stuff will be easy..
Well, i try anyway ^^
Thanks again :P
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
snipe69 - 09.02.2008
why not /numberlist ? like to show the numbers you saved
Greetz Snipe
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 09.02.2008
Maybe both? ^^
I'll start working on it now :P
Re: [FS]ElDiablo's Advanced CellPhone system, Version 0.1A (Based on NUMBERS) -
eldiablo1337 - 09.02.2008
«« UPDATE (Version 2.1):
From last version, which was: 520 lines only, only, for simple phone system,
HAS BEEN UPDATED TO>>> TO >>> TO >>> Listen carefully!!!
2599 LINES !!!
Wanna see whats new, go a head, keep reading !! :]
- Added: /Favorite [Name]
- Added: /UnFavorite [1-5]
- Added: /QuickDial
- Added: /Abort
- Added: /LastCalls
/QuickDial, Will open a menu, with all your /Favorite numbers,
While the menu is open, you can choose your favorite number (MAX: 5)
Then it will call it, thats why its called /QuickDial, but ! to make quick dial, we must have the number saved!
(Even in real life, right?)
Then, /SaveNumber [Number][Name], Then when its saved, you can /Favorite [Name], the name it was saved with.
And then it will apear in the menu when you type /quickdial, unfavoriting will remove it ofcourse,
/Lastcalls, will open a menu with the last calls you've done, cool right? :]
/Abort, will abort a call, which has already been maden.
/Call 1234, when they pick up > you can /hangup, while its calling, you can /abort.
Download through main page!