Originally Posted by Gammix
It always has been part of convention. You should search about what actually convention is, clearly you are not understanding my or the thread point.
PHP Code:
// BAD convention new Float:skgsgs; // i\'ll store health in this yay! // GOOD convention new Float:health; // clearly this variable is for health // BAD convention stock internalFunction() { // hey this function looks like it belongs to an include } // GOOD convention internalFunction() { // hey this function is definitely part of the script, filterscript }
There is a proper reason for bad naming convention is a improper convention.But that\'s not the case of using stock modifier.I think you should rethink what you even saying.
People in this community blindly believing what others saying.If a reputed person says it\'s a proper convention they believes it and starts to mimic it without thinking how it can be a proper convention.