Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Jensenn - 03.07.2018
Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1)

(sorry my english :d)
Hello guys, please specify the errors you found in the system.
It registers with the file path (binary file).
Put Filterscripts and Scriptfiles in to mode.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Akeem - 04.07.2018
Sounds awesome man, great job.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Exhibit - 04.07.2018
Looks nice.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
jasperschellekens - 04.07.2018
Simple and not quite original.
Also are you aware that you are not allowed (as far as i know) to include things in your zip like:
Further your saving system is glitchy, inefficient and really slow. I really suggest using sql.
Anyways, keep it up!
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Jensenn - 04.07.2018
Originally Posted by jasperschellekens
Simple and not quite original.
Also are you aware that you are not allowed (as far as i know) to include things in your zip like:
Further your saving system is glitchy, inefficient and really slow. I really suggest using sql.
Anyways, keep it up!
Im just releasing for newbie users, and my system original.
- Thanks guys.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Bolex_ - 04.07.2018
Simply and nice.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
jasperschellekens - 04.07.2018
Originally Posted by Jensenn
Im just releasing for newbie users, and my system original.
- Thanks guys.
Original? Have you typed samp label system on search lol..
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Jensenn - 04.07.2018
Originally Posted by jasperschellekens
Original? Have you typed samp label system on search lol..
Show a system that is exactly the same.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
jasperschellekens - 04.07.2018
There are more
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Jensenn - 04.07.2018
Originally Posted by jasperschellekens
Oh god;
- My system covers all colors. (not limited: blue - red blabla..)
- You can change the position (like object).
- My system saving with binary file. (not .ini or whatever)
And glasses use, pls. Thank you.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
jasperschellekens - 04.07.2018
Still not original
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Jensenn - 04.07.2018
Originally Posted by jasperschellekens
Still not original
Okay, thanks.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Lokii - 04.07.2018
Why use stock in a filterscript?
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Jensenn - 04.07.2018
Originally Posted by Lokii
Why use stock in a filterscript?
It\'s my fault, i uninstall it in the new version.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
AzaMx - 05.07.2018
Was looking for this for ages, and it\'s finally here!
Nice work!
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
OmerKhan - 05.07.2018
Sir nice work you did there, I might give it a try.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Jensenn - 05.07.2018
Thanks guys.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
Jensenn - 25.07.2018
Originally Posted by coderkid
Nice work, thanks dude.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
RogueDrifter - 25.07.2018
Where are the credits to the people whom you\'re using their releases in this?
Furthermore, lmfao, you leaving unused functions along with this:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
return 1;
I\'ve said this a million times, use
return 0; and what\'s funny is you\'re not even putting the callback to use.
I\'m gonna assume that this:
stock BosLabelID()
for(new labelid = 0; labelid < MAX_LABEL; labelid++)
return labelid;
return -1;
Is giong to return an array out of bounds at some point.
PHP Code:
#define YollaJensenMesaj(%0,%1) SendClientMessage(%0, jensen_RENK, %1)
#define YollaJensenMesaj2(%0,%1) SendClientMessage(%0, jensen_RENK, "[LABEL] {FFFFFF}"%1)
What the hell even is this and why isn\'t the script in English this is after all the English section.
I also have no idea what good this has done
PHP Code:
#define strcpy(%0,%1,%2) strcat((%0[0] = \'\0\', %0), %1, %2) // strcpy(hedef, kaynak, uzunluk)
I agree with jasper on the use of \'stock\' and the file reading/saving those are also inferior usages, you also forgot to define FILTERSCRIPT on top in case if any of the includes check for that.
Surely this could\'ve been done better but good job on the effort maybe you\'ll improve it later on.
Re: Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1) -
GhostHacker9 - 25.07.2018
Originally Posted by RogueDrifter
I\'m gonna assume that this:
stock BosLabelID()
for(new labelid = 0; labelid < MAX_LABEL; labelid++)
return labelid;
return -1;
Is giong to return an array out of bounds at some point.
He\'s already doing a check for that in call end.
Originally Posted by RogueDrifter
I also have no idea what good this has done
PHP Code:
#define strcpy(%0,%1,%2) strcat((%0[0] = \'\0\', %0), %1, %2) // strcpy(hedef, kaynak, uzunluk)
what\'s the problem in that?
Originally Posted by Lokii
Why use stock in a filterscript?
Originally Posted by RogueDrifter
I agree with jasper on the use of \'stock\'
Let\'s put an end to this crap.Using stock or not using stock in a script doesn\'t matter.stock is just a keyword for letting compiler to know if this corresponding function is not been used , then don\'t compile it into the pcode.I know people are obsessed with it and will redirect me to Vince\' thread.But that thread is just bunch of crap expressing one\' personal opinion.