Actor isn't showing

I'm tryign to create some actors to player interact inside of my bizz system, players will enter in a bizz and interact with the actor inside

But actores are not showing to anyone inside any bizz...

    ActorInfo[1][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(142, -29.0206,-186.8182,1003.5469,1.6775);
    ActorInfo[2][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(194, -784.0207,498.3214,1371.7422,358.7583);
    ActorInfo[3][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(85, -104.7904,-8.9155,1000.7188,179.5211);
    ActorInfo[4][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(29, 203.2102,-41.6711,1001.8047,180.9758);
    ActorInfo[5][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(223, 206.3552,-98.7040,1005.2578,181.5066);
    ActorInfo[6][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(141, 162.8217,-81.1920,1001.8047,178.4857);
    ActorInfo[7][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(247, 499.7818,-77.5652,998.7651,359.4820);
    ActorInfo[8][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(248, -223.3083,1404.4515,27.7734,91.1681);
    ActorInfo[9][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(205, 376.4837,-65.8494,1001.5078,180.7589);
    ActorInfo[10][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(167, 368.1159,-4.4920,1001.8516,180.7917);
    ActorInfo[11][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(155, 374.7394,-117.2788,1001.4922,180.5908);
    ActorInfo[12][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(80, 765.9769,14.9000,1000.6997,179.8665);
    ActorInfo[13][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(180, -201.6477,-23.6123,1002.2734,150.1891);
    ActorInfo[14][actor] = CreateDynamicActor(156, 412.3363,-16.6506,1001.8047,180.2932);
    ServerStoreActors = 14;
    for(new a = 1; a < ServerStoreActors; a++) {
        SetDynamicActorInvulnerable(a, false);
        SetDynamicActorVirtualWorld(ActorInfo[a][actor], -1);
When i get inside a bizz, the actor inside is not showing to me
There is a actor on pos -29.0206,-186.8182,1003.5469,1.6775

I've tried 24-7 ID:1 and ID:15
(VW:[1] INT:[17] ~ VW:[15] INT:[17)]

But he is not there

What do i doing wrong?

More actors code:
forward OnDynamicActorSpawn(actorid); public OnDynamicActorSpawn(actorid) {
    ActorInfo[actorid][adead] = false;
    new vw = GetDynamicActorVirtualWorld(actorid);
    SetDynamicActorVirtualWorld(actorid, -1);
    SetDynamicActorHealth(actorid, 100);
    SetDynamicActorVirtualWorld(actorid, vw);

Messages In This Thread
Actor isn't showing - by binnyl - 24.06.2018, 09:15
Re: Actor isn't showing - by binnyl - 24.06.2018, 19:37
Re: Actor isn't showing - by JasonRiggs - 25.06.2018, 00:21
Re: Actor isn't showing - by Dayrion - 25.06.2018, 00:34
Re: Actor isn't showing - by binnyl - 25.06.2018, 01:31
Re: Actor isn't showing - by poppingrose - 25.06.2018, 06:16
Re: Actor isn't showing - by NaS - 25.06.2018, 07:25
Re: Actor isn't showing - by Dayrion - 25.06.2018, 07:31
Re: Actor isn't showing - by CodeStyle175 - 25.06.2018, 08:59
Re: Actor isn't showing - by Dayrion - 25.06.2018, 10:42

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