Pickup/teleport array not working

I added the break; but now it breaks the loop after the first line/teleport and every pickup is teleporting me to the FIRST set of tele co ords on the list (lvchIN)

Is this what you meant?
public OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup(playerid, pickupid){
    for(new i; i < MAX_PICKUP; i++) 
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, gPickup[i][tPos][0], gPickup[i][tPos][1], gPickup[i][tPos][2] + 0.5); // sets player pos
        SetPlayerInterior(playerid, gPickup[i][Interior]);
        SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, gPickup[i][VirtualWorld]);
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Pickup/teleport array not working - by Ducati - 16.01.2018, 23:05
Re: Pickup/teleport array not working - by Jefff - 17.01.2018, 02:03
Re: Pickup/teleport array not working - by Ducati - 17.01.2018, 11:42
Re: Pickup/teleport array not working - by Daveosss - 17.01.2018, 11:58
Re: Pickup/teleport array not working - by Ducati - 17.01.2018, 21:11

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