Plate system?

Basicly I want to add a license plate system to the script.

This is the Car_Create thingy:

Car_Create(ownerid, modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, type = 0, addsiren = 0)
    for (new i = 0; i != MAX_DYNAMIC_CARS; i ++)
		if (!CarData[i][carExists])
   		    if (color1 == -1)
   		        color1 = random(127);

			if (color2 == -1)
			    color2 = random(127);

   		    CarData[i][carExists] = true;
            CarData[i][carModel] = modelid;
            CarData[i][carOwner] = ownerid;

            CarData[i][carPos][0] = x;
            CarData[i][carPos][1] = y;
            CarData[i][carPos][2] = z;
            CarData[i][carPos][3] = angle;

            CarData[i][carColor1] = color1;
            CarData[i][carColor2] = color2;
            CarData[i][carPaintjob] = -1;
            CarData[i][carLocked] = false;
            CarData[i][carImpounded] = -1;
            CarData[i][carImpoundPrice] = 0;
            CarData[i][carFaction] = type;
            CarData[i][carSiren] = addsiren;

            for (new j = 0; j < 14; j ++)
                if (j < 5)
                    CarData[i][carWeapons][j] = 0;
                    CarData[i][carAmmo][j] = 0;
                CarData[i][carMods][j] = 0;
            CarData[i][carVehicle] = CreateVehicle(modelid, x, y, z, angle, color1, color2, -1, 0);

            if (CarData[i][carVehicle] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) {
            mysql_tquery(g_iHandle, "INSERT INTO `cars` (`carModel`) VALUES(0)", "OnCarCreated", "d", i);
            return i;
	return -1;
Appreciate any help. I want it, like when you buy a car, to create a plate and keep that plate, basicly like in real life, you know.. Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
Plate system? - by BluePlayBG - 10.01.2018, 13:19
Re: Plate system? - by RogueDrifter - 10.01.2018, 13:33
Re: Plate system? - by jasperschellekens - 10.01.2018, 13:36

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