Plate system? - Printable Version
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Plate system? -
BluePlayBG - 10.01.2018
Basicly I want to add a license plate system to the script.
This is the Car_Create thingy:
Car_Create(ownerid, modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, type = 0, addsiren = 0)
for (new i = 0; i != MAX_DYNAMIC_CARS; i ++)
if (!CarData[i][carExists])
if (color1 == -1)
color1 = random(127);
if (color2 == -1)
color2 = random(127);
CarData[i][carExists] = true;
CarData[i][carModel] = modelid;
CarData[i][carOwner] = ownerid;
CarData[i][carPos][0] = x;
CarData[i][carPos][1] = y;
CarData[i][carPos][2] = z;
CarData[i][carPos][3] = angle;
CarData[i][carColor1] = color1;
CarData[i][carColor2] = color2;
CarData[i][carPaintjob] = -1;
CarData[i][carLocked] = false;
CarData[i][carImpounded] = -1;
CarData[i][carImpoundPrice] = 0;
CarData[i][carFaction] = type;
CarData[i][carSiren] = addsiren;
for (new j = 0; j < 14; j ++)
if (j < 5)
CarData[i][carWeapons][j] = 0;
CarData[i][carAmmo][j] = 0;
CarData[i][carMods][j] = 0;
CarData[i][carVehicle] = CreateVehicle(modelid, x, y, z, angle, color1, color2, -1, 0);
if (CarData[i][carVehicle] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) {
mysql_tquery(g_iHandle, "INSERT INTO `cars` (`carModel`) VALUES(0)", "OnCarCreated", "d", i);
return i;
return -1;
Appreciate any help. I want it, like when you buy a car, to create a plate and keep that plate, basicly like in real life, you know.. Thanks in advance.
Re: Plate system? -
RogueDrifter - 10.01.2018
are you asking about
SetVehicleNumberPlate or how to save it? save the string used in a file the moment u use setpvnplate thing then reuse it onvspawn for the players
Re: Plate system? -
jasperschellekens - 10.01.2018
Well i use a default license plate, and im not sure if this is what your looking for but this might help you on your way. So yeah you gotta edit it so it will make random unique plates. and if you succeed i'do be happy to know how because it's very good to have.
You want to add VehicleNumberPlate to your enum
Car_Create(ownerid, modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, type = 0, addsiren = 0)
for (new i = 0; i != MAX_DYNAMIC_CARS; i ++)
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
if (!CarData[i][carExists])
if (color1 == -1)
color1 = random(127);
if (color2 == -1)
color2 = random(127);
CarData[i][carExists] = true;
CarData[i][carModel] = modelid;
CarData[i][carOwner] = ownerid;
CarData[i][carPos][0] = x;
CarData[i][carPos][1] = y;
CarData[i][carPos][2] = z;
CarData[i][carPos][3] = angle;
CarData[i][carColor1] = color1;
CarData[i][carColor2] = color2;
CarData[i][carPaintjob] = -1;
CarData[i][carLocked] = false;
CarData[i][carImpounded] = -1;
CarData[i][carImpoundPrice] = 0;
CarData[i][carFaction] = type;
CarData[i][carSiren] = addsiren;
CarData[i][VehicleNumberPlate] = DEFAULT_NUMBER_PLATE;
SetVehicleNumberPlate(VehicleID[vehicleid], CarData[i][VehicleNumberPlate]);
for (new j = 0; j < 14; j ++)
if (j < 5)
CarData[i][carWeapons][j] = 0;
CarData[i][carAmmo][j] = 0;
CarData[i][carMods][j] = 0;
CarData[i][carVehicle] = CreateVehicle(modelid, x, y, z, angle, color1, color2, -1, 0);
if (CarData[i][carVehicle] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) {
mysql_tquery(g_iHandle, "INSERT INTO `cars` (`carModel`) VALUES(0)", "OnCarCreated", "d", i);
return i;
return -1;
The things i added are marked Bold and Red