SendClientMessageEx, ShowPlayerDialogEx, SendClientMessageToAllEx

Base SQLite Script
Created by: Norrin
Hola, estoy usando una base sqlite de Norrin, y encontrй estos cуdigos que no se para que sirven.
Alguien podrнa explicarme para sirven, si es que sirven.
Hi, I'm using a sqlite base from Norrin, and I found these codes that I do not know what they are for.
Someone could explain to me if they serve.

pawn Код:
stock SendClientMessageEx(playerid, color, message[])
    return SendClientMessage(playerid, color, message);

stock SendClientMessageToAllEx(color, message[])
    return SendClientMessageToAll(color, message);

stock ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, dialogid, style, caption[], info[], button1[], button2[])
    Datos[playerid][CurrentDialog] = dialogid;
    if(Datos[playerid][CurrentDialog] == dialogid) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, caption, info, button1, button2);
    return 1;
PD: Alguien sabe que paso con la secciуn espaсola.
PD: Someone knows what happened to the Spanish team.


Aguante el traductor de 6OO6L3.

Messages In This Thread
SendClientMessageEx, ShowPlayerDialogEx, SendClientMessageToAllEx - by Mamoru - 06.10.2017, 00:07
Re: SendClientMessageEx, ShowPlayerDialogEx, SendClientMessageToAllEx - by Twizted - 06.10.2017, 08:02
Re: SendClientMessageEx, ShowPlayerDialogEx, SendClientMessageToAllEx - by Meller - 07.10.2017, 09:54

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