HELP in SetVehicleParamsForPlayer

Im change my mode [I use PEN mode] to 0.3 but i have a problem, in a mission carjack i dont see the welow marker.

I have cars in the mode and i have add new cars via:
total_vehicles_from_files += LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile("vehicles/sf_gen.txt");

I think the problem is:
SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(stealcar,i,0,0); and stream cars

		case 8:
			if (gdebug){print("DEBUG test1");}
			stealcar = random(166)+88;
			GetVehiclePos(stealcar, scx, scy, scz);
			format(objstore, sizeof(objstore), "SMS: Um comprador estб interessado no carro localizado no teu GPS. Fonte: CM-SF");
			format(cbjstore, sizeof(cbjstore), "HQ: 911 10-64 Veiculo Suspeito Localizado.");
			rx = scx;//storing the car pos
			ry = scy;
			rz = scz;
			if (gdebug){print("DEBUG TEST2");}
			stealcardest = random(166)+88;
			while (stealcardest == stealcar)
				stealcardest = random(166)+88;
			MissionActive = 9;
			if (gdebug){print("DEBUG MissionActive = 9;");}
			for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
				if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && (gPlayerSpawned[i] == 1))
					if (gdebug){print("DEBUG test2");}
					if (gTeam[i] >= 3)
						if (automission)
						else if (PlayerInfo[i][pPnumber] !=0)
							SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "SMS: Tenho um trabalho para ti, envia o SIM para 555 para mais informaзхes, Fonte: CM-SF");
							SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "DICA: Escreve (/sms 555 SIM) para receberes as indicaзoes do local");
							RingTone[i] =20;
						if (gdebug){print("DEBUG test4");}
						SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_DBLUE, cbjstore);
						GameTextForPlayer(i, "~w~Veiculo Suspeito ~n~~y~Localizado", 5000, 1);
			if (gdebug){printf("DEBUG CarJacking mission started: TargetCar:%d",stealcar);}
		return 1;

anyone to help me?



Messages In This Thread
HELP in SetVehicleParamsForPlayer - by Duelos SA - 07.09.2009, 06:08
Re: HELP in SetVehicleParamsForPlayer - by Duelos SA - 07.09.2009, 22:51
Re: HELP in SetVehicleParamsForPlayer - by Duelos SA - 08.09.2009, 04:25
Re: HELP in SetVehicleParamsForPlayer - by boelie - 26.04.2010, 22:24

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